Soap nuts, the original natural soap

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have you tried soap nuts

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New Member
Jan 9, 2009
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When it comes to natural soap, Soap nuts are truely natural. They grow on trees and require minimal processing (drying ) and minimal packaging.
And of course they work great. You can use them to do your laundry or you can boil the soapnuts to make liquid soap. For more helpful information go to

With soap nuts, it is easy to be green
They don't clean fabrics well, despite what the web sites say
They are a PITA to deal with (the little bag, etc)
They sting the eyes like nobody's business so don't even think about using for a facial wash
If you make a solution that you want to hold it gets nasty in not too long a time (sour smell) so prob need to preserve it

I have about a pound left if folks want some to try...
to carebear:
Sorry to hear about your unsatisfactory experience with soap nuts. I just gave some to my neighbor, and she loved it like we do. I dont know if you got a bad batch or if it is the difference in the water (we are on well water). We are using soap nuts with no other additives, but you can also try the following: For whites, add a natural booster such as borax or backing soda. If you have hard water, add one or more tablespoon of white vinegar or lemon juice to the rinse cycle. Soap nut liquid has a limited shelf life. I had a good experience mixing it with 1/2 of shampoo, it really extends the shelf live and gives you some lather.
You can also freeze the liquid in an ice cube tray and use as needed.
If you use soap nuts for your laundry, dry them with your clothes if you do not plan to reuse them the same day.
I hope these hints are helpful.
I've tried all of the suggestions that the company provides for "better results" and I still hate them.
We use cloth diapers and they were recommended by several cloth diaper stores as well as other mothers who use cloth on their babies.
I am willing to try anything once, and also willing to tweak as suggested to see if there are better ways. I did them all, and I still abhor soap nuts. I gave the rest of mine away for free - I would've felt awful taking money for them, knowing that they don't work at all.
Lil Outlaws said:
I gave the rest of mine away for free - I would've felt awful taking money for them, knowing that they don't work at all.
good point -I'll share mine for free, just pay the postage if you want to give them a shot.

Tech, thanks for the tips but I really tried all that to make them work for me. I WANTED them to work as I am not thrilled about using detergent products when it can be avoided. I can't do the shampoo thing because of the eye-burning (I have kids and I don't want a zillion bottles in the shower, plus I occasionally get soap in my own eyes - OW!). And we have nice soft water here. But alas - they are still a no-go.

Might you happen to be affiliated with the website/product? Sounds like a sales pitch to me.
Tabitha said:

Might you happen to be affiliated with the website/product? Sounds like a sales pitch to me.

That was my first thought, as well. Regardless (affiliation or not), I do NOT like the product and wouldn't buy it again, no matter who was touting it's greatness. LOL

Oh I just found one more small package if anyone wants it for the cost of shipping hehehehe
We use soapnuts for laundry, and are very happy with them. We have a toddler in cloth diapers - no problems. But I do not expect my laundry to be whiter than white :wink: .
Tabitha said:

Might you happen to be affiliated with the website/product? Sounds like a sales pitch to me.

Tabitha, that's exactly what I thought. Plus, they just joined the group today with only 2 posts, and they're selling us something. Doesn't pass the smell test.
yeah, doubt we'll ever hear from either of them again.......

somehow, I don't think it will be our loss.....

ETA: I just clicked on "that there" web site listed above....because I've never HEARD of a soapnut..... And my software picked up a "possible phishing site" it's "suspicious" also!........

OMG, they're really after our financial information!!
I think I got mine from, but their web site isn't working right now.

if someone wants to try them (they are kinda neat) and has the urge to purchase them rather than take us up on our offer... you can get them from

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