Smooth Pipe Soap anyone?

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He is insisting on doing HP in the hope that it will cure faster. When he is already using a 100% CO recipe. He just won't understand that he either needs to stop doing HP, or stop using the pipe, or change his recipe. As you know, 100% CO will heat up fine all by itself. Especially if he uses full water.

In the famous words of Scotty: I canna defy the laws of physics, Captain. At this point, even though HP doesn't cure faster enough people believe it so it won't matter arguing that point. Outside of user error - which the author seems very certain of..

If there is no changing the recipe, I'd say the pipe is the weak link.
People do not waste your time on this individual, I do not know what it is, but that "persona" makes me nervous, with his OCD posts, it feels like spam, I do not say it is spam it feels like spam to me
People do not waste your time on this individual, I do not know what it is, but that "persona" makes me nervous, with his OCD posts, it feels like spam, I do not say it is spam it feels like spam to me

Ok. So, not knowing this individual, we can't say if they have ANY kind of disorder.

Having said that, please don't ask people to not respond to someone because there is a possibility that they might have a disorder that frightens you. It's difficult enough for such a person to find people who will talk to them.
Ok. So, not knowing this individual, we can't say if they have ANY kind of disorder.

Having said that, please don't ask people to not respond to someone because there is a possibility that they might have a disorder that frightens you. It's difficult enough for such a person to find people who will talk to them.

I had not diagnosed anyone I said it terrifies me....... People will do whatever they want, it is their choice.
Now imagine someone who does not know how to make soap, is going to sell it, what do you think will happen?
Someone who buys bad soap, just once, will never buy another one, and our market for soaps is gone. It happens all the time, I put so much money in samples to convince people that it is good, but one bad soap and we lose this customer ........
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I can kinda understand him. Do you mean adulterated oil? Some normal oil plus some cheap filler oil to make the profit? Thus it makes the soap batter acting weird?

I think you should listen to the advice people gave you. PVC cannot stand that high heat. It might cause some toxic gas or chemical reaction and contaminate your soap. And the EO or FO you don't want to share might also be the culprit of overheating/blistering soap. Cinnamon essential oil, ginger essential oil, etc. can be a heater Fragrance.

And you keep saying/ singing that other Thread title might be the reason you kinda scare off dahila. I think she did not mean to sound mean, just kinda terrified.
I had not diagnosed anyone I said it terrifies me.......

You said the OCD persona makes you nervous. That would be Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Throwing that around and telling people to avoid them because of it is what I object to.

Now imagine someone who does not know how to make soap, is going to sell it, what do you think will happen?

I don't see where they said they were selling it? Was that in a different thread somewhere?
You said the OCD persona makes you nervous. That would be Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Throwing that around and telling people to avoid them because of it is what I object to.

I don't see where they said they were selling it? Was that in a different thread somewhere?

They have said they were selling in other post. This person isn't listening to anything they have been told or answering questions others have asked who were trying to help.
You said the OCD persona makes you nervous. That would be Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Throwing that around and telling people to avoid them because of it is what I object to.
Yes, I agree with you on this, artemis. Perhaps poorly chosen words were the problem here. But it is a very sensitive subject, nonetheless.

I don't see where they said they were selling it? Was that in a different thread somewhere?

No, first post of this thread.

I need to make smooth pipe soap.
I have done almost everything.
Here is what I need to do.
Take 1 Oil.
Take the lye water mix and make soap.
HP soap in the pipe.
Let it setup and come out smooth and for sale.
100 percent coco soap

first off 100 coco soap is possible and non drying.. I sell it..

the key thing is to add aloe or silk. and super fat at 23 25 percent.
and mix at 100 degree so not to false trace..

I myself have used pvc pipes and my soap sets in 5-6 hours..

to this you can add clay ... sugar. etc.

use a soap calc. and super fat to 23 to 25

add replace some of the water with liquid silk or aloe
The issue is that when I have tried to do the 100F
The temp climbs up Everytime at least 10%
Then at this point it flips to Gell stage.
So here is what has happened as of new.

I made a recent Papaya and got the recipe correct.
It does a tiny gell thing and small crack.
Even at 96F

But that coconut
Jumps at 10% and then even at vasaline stage
I put it inside and it comes out with wacky crap holes and vents and all sorts of wierd
Things going on.

I have tried overheating it and sent it in at 235F
I stirred it back down and dropping temp by adding the other 1/2
Once it hit applesauce stage. That's been the only solution that has worked so far.

Recently I have added the Salt and lowered the water.
That showed promising results.
Came out less damaged. Hardened up quick
Less pock marks. Less holes...
So adding salt and less water has worked to solving
This screwy issue issue so far. I'm not giving up.
It's coming out nice and white.
I just need a professional appearance.
I know it's possible.

I will release new Recipe and steps I take with your added help.
Thank you in advance.
P.S. the Papaya comes out super smooth.
But I'm using Cold Process for the papaya.

The baby milk didn't help ROFL came out all sorts of
Icky colors with the salt.

The salt doesn't change the color...
But do not use baby milk.

I gotta keep visiting this thread. Many comments.
Lots of drama :)
Never expected the drama stuff.

Yes it has to do with the water and heat.
I have used distilled and normal water.
I just have done this recipe in the USA with no
Problems ever. But in this country it's not funny ,but kinda wicked
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First of all what is baby milk? Second; to give you any feedback we need full recipe. What country you have problem with gelling. I go as low as 32 Celsius: 86 F
Never have problem with overheating. no, I got once but it was laundry soap with 100% Coconut oil
The problem is you ramble and don't give clear information. We are not able to understand what exactly you are saying and what you are doing. People would like to help but you are not giving them the information they are asking for to help. So until you do, it's not likely anyone is going to offer help. You are the cause of the drama not being clear. It's frustrating to those that like to help but are throwing their hands up in frustration.
Shunt, I think it's a newbie thing. Some newbie post is quite long and don't have paragraph, randomly pops question in the story plot. it hurts my brain cell just read through it. I'm not condescending newbie, just telling it as is. I think they have encounter troubles and can't seem to figure it out. Thus the long story and question mark in every sentence. I once were these newbie,too. But I google and find SMF, kinda self-educate myself using search function.

To OP:
Don't use " normal " tap water. It contains traces of metal that cause DOS (dreaded orange spots).

Overheating soap and troubleshooting it

If you are now in a hotter and more humid country, try not to melt the oil & use heat transfer method. Use the hot lye water to melt the oils, this gives me more play time. And do NOT stick blending too much. ( I'm assuming this because you said in USA you don't have this problem. And adding papaya... It's a trend in Southeast Asia. So just a wild guess here. )

Coconut oil heats things up. So go easy on it. And too much coconut will dry lots of people's skin.

Baby milk... I'm assuming baby formula milk powder for baby??? It contains sugar, too. It will heat up soap batter, and sometimes a tan color or even scorch the soap. So search on forum for maximum usage rate.

Papaya contains lots of sugar. So it will heat up soap batter. Search on forum the suggested usage rate. Add too much food puree will make your soap grow mold.
Shunt, I think it's a newbie thing. Some newbie post is quite long and don't have paragraph, randomly pops question in the story plot. it hurts my brain cell just read through it. I'm not condescending newbie, just telling it as is. I think they have encounter troubles and can't seem to figure it out. Thus the long story and question mark in every sentence. I once were these newbie,too. But I google and find SMF, kinda self-educate myself using search function.

To OP:
Don't use " normal " tap water. It contains traces of metal that cause DOS (dreaded orange spots).

Overheating soap and troubleshooting it

If you are now in a hotter and more humid country, try not to melt the oil & use heat transfer method. Use the hot lye water to melt the oils, this gives me more play time. And do NOT stick blending too much. ( I'm assuming this because you said in USA you don't have this problem. And adding papaya... It's a trend in Southeast Asia. So just a wild guess here. )

Coconut oil heats things up. So go easy on it. And too much coconut will dry lots of people's skin.

Baby milk... I'm assuming baby formula milk powder for baby??? It contains sugar, too. It will heat up soap batter, and sometimes a tan color or even scorch the soap. So search on forum for maximum usage rate.

Papaya contains lots of sugar. So it will heat up soap batter. Search on forum the suggested usage rate. Add too much food puree will make your soap grow mold.

That's not the issue. People have asked the op questions and to post recipes etc and have been ignored. I can handle onrunning sentences from posters. I just take offense for myself and others who have tried to help that he finds it amusing that they are frustrated. So, me like others are done trying to help.
Gonna say right now that the first, second and fourth pages of this thread were absolutely train wreckingly mind bendingly fabulous!!!!!! Between reading the OP's posts and then trying to apply any form of soap science to them, my mind was so absorbed that I'm sure my dog pee'd on my foot and I didn't even notice!!

That said, maybe the OP is ESL? or like another said, maybe using oils that are less than 100%? Why else would they need to be boiled to rid them of water?

To the OP: Good luck my man!
Ok here is what I have found out about this crazy coconut soap. Trying to get this hot processes smooth out the pipe.

I'm going to use this papaya I'm working on now. Because I found the issues and fixed them temporary with the papaya.

Ok there are these wierd blue spots showing up.

I know that's directly linked to the coconut ,because it's happening to my Papaya+Coconut recipe.

Now check this out.

Everything kept getting screwed up even the papaya at cold process.. until I did one thing. I decided to just accept what ever came at me and just color the stupid thing right? I'm thinking all natural color right :) yep so I whipped up some natural poweder concoction...
And guess what.
Something I was looking for happened.
I was like oh well Chuck this crap soap into this stupid pipe as just mixed liquid and not even trace yet...
So the pipe is all juiced up with baby oil and everything is susposed to go wacky I guess?
It worked and it did that small jell crack explode crap without the powder.

With the added powder
A small tiny crack sometimes.

The powder is somehow absorbing some unseen acidic function of this coconut. And the really wack thing is this.
You gotta litterly blend with mixer and stop as soon as you see it combine.. call that fake trace then imiediatly add the rest and mix with whisk and then spoon and tap etc.. into the mold...
That's the only way as in cold...
So this is an Acidic Issue for sure.
The salt tamed it and it went more alkaline.
The powder brought it way further.
So just like nullifying acid.

There needs to be something I can add to this recipe of just coconut to get it to not act acidic....

I got air 1-3 air bubbles ,but professional smooth yes. Smooth as glass
It's just taking 2-3 days to unmold.

Then I'm sure we can hot processes.:headbanging:

I never give up.

"Stop SniFFiN ma SoAP"
Love u guys an girls..
Thank u.
I'm trying to read between the lines here ... you mixed to just emulsion and then poured into the mould ... so maybe its just a matter of getting it into the mould early before it heats up too much, 100% coconut being a mixture that likes to get hot. Maybe you are getting less air into your mould if you pour at emulsion rather than at trace. So therefore your soap is filling the mould more evenly and producing a more uniform soap