Molasses soap

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I also think it looks great and that lather!! Remember also that as it ages, that dark circle will fade out a lot. With the cute stamp you've used and fading, customers won't think anything is amiss. It looks like a really gentle, creamy soap. NIce one! 👏🏻
I always freeze my GM logs for a few hours after I make them. And I rinse and freeze the wood surrounding the silicone mold before I pour in the mix also, just to make certain no partial gel happens! Might be easier to stop gel completely next time on this rather than try to gauge the right temp to do a full gel w/o a volcano?
Either way, it looks and works great!
I also think it looks great and that lather!! Remember also that as it ages, that dark circle will fade out a lot. With the cute stamp you've used and fading, customers won't think anything is amiss. It looks like a really gentle, creamy soap. NIce one! 👏🏻
I always freeze my GM logs for a few hours after I make them. And I rinse and freeze the wood surrounding the silicone mold before I pour in the mix also, just to make certain no partial gel happens! Might be easier to stop gel completely next time on this rather than try to gauge the right temp to do a full gel w/o a volcano?
Either way, it looks and works great!
Thanks, ToniO! That’s a good idea about stopping the gel completely.
@Kari Howie - I love your horsey stamp! And I agree with everyone - awesome soap 🌸
Thank you, dmcgee5034! My husband and I live on a little farm where we had our two beloved horses. Being of Norwegian descent, I named our farm “Hestland Gård” which means “Horse Country Farm.” Hestland is also inspired by my Norwegian mother’s maiden name, Hetland.
I ended up with too much molasses some years ago due to an accidental over-order. So of course, I used it in soap a couple of times. It is quite the heater - even more than honey, at least for me, and it does turn the soap brown. But ho boy does it make fabulous lather! It also gave my soap a slightly sweet smell, which did not make me mad. :)
I ordered some samples from BB, one of which is the Coffee Shop FO, which I plan to use in my coffee and cocoa soap. But I was thinking of using molasses for the honey, and I saw YOUR post chime in on the forum at the Top! The Soapy Universe is talking to me! 🌌 😂
I've been too sick to soap for WEEKS but I'm getting so antsy. I'm just going to rope in anyone I can and do this. That lather is just too decadent to leave alone.
@Kari Howie you're a genius!! 😍
I ordered some samples from BB, one of which is the Coffee Shop FO, which I plan to use in my coffee and cocoa soap. But I was thinking of using molasses for the honey, and I saw YOUR post chime in on the forum at the Top! The Soapy Universe is talking to me! 🌌 😂
I've been too sick to soap for WEEKS but I'm getting so antsy. I'm just going to rope in anyone I can and do this. That lather is just too decadent to leave alone.
@Kari Howie you're a genius!! 😍
You’re too funny! I hope you’re feeling better.
I also think it looks great and that lather!! Remember also that as it ages, that dark circle will fade out a lot. With the cute stamp you've used and fading, customers won't think anything is amiss. It looks like a really gentle, creamy soap. NIce one! 👏🏻
I always freeze my GM logs for a few hours after I make them. And I rinse and freeze the wood surrounding the silicone mold before I pour in the mix also, just to make certain no partial gel happens! Might be easier to stop gel completely next time on this rather than try to gauge the right temp to do a full gel w/o a volcano?
Either way, it looks and works great!

I will be freezingy wooden molds from now on before I make gm or beer soap. You are a genius. Thanks for that great tip!
Ugh, sorry it didn't go as planned, @Kari Howie. FWIW, I think the soap actually looks pretty cool. Most buyers would have no idea that anything was amiss.
I agree! My (adult) daughter actually prefers the soaps with the partial gel circle. She thinks they look more "natural" and "rustic".
I have never been able to avoid gel completely (I always get the center gel or full gel) so I insulate and force complete gel.

You need to stop worrying about this. These look BEAUTIFUL! Nobody but a soap maker knows the ring is a gel ring. It looks like part of the design. It's lovely.