There is that old saying: You can please some of the people all of the time and you can please all the of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people of the time. Some advice I got from a veteran soap makers was NOT to try and please all your customers because you'll end up with a bunch of inventory you can't sell.
Over the last two years, I have watched thousands of hours of soap making videos on YouTube. If you pay attention to the more 'popular' soap makers, you will find that the majority of them have a niche... a 'signature' if you will. Katie at Royalty Soaps has her High Tops, Tiggy at Future Primitive Soap has her chopstick swirl and what I call 'The Tiggy Top', Karen at Edens Secret does extraordinary Cupcake Soaps, Julie at Ophelia's Soapery is the Queen of slab molds, Patrick at Soapy Oaks Farm is my go-to for unusual ingredients, Clyde at Vibrant Soap is well-known for his color palettes.
I don't make a lot of 'fancy' soaps myself. I have a good base recipe for my Regular and Goat Milk Soap with my only 'additives' being Sodium Lactate and Kaolin Clay. My GMS is scented, but uncolored (outside of what the FO might do). The majority of my Regular Soap is single colored or may have an ITP or Drop Swirl and I don't do a lot of texturing as I have mild Trypophobia (which sometimes makes watching soap videos problematic)...just a light infinity surface swirl.
That's not to say that I haven't tried other Neapolitan Soap turned out pretty good thanks to
@Zing and
@cmzaha so I will be making it again...won't be a 'stock' soap since it's a lot of work. Salt Soap and I don't get along at all...I've made a good dozen different batches and they were mostly crap (or worse) no Salt Soap for me. My second attempt at a Mechanic's Soap has tested well, but it's not a fancy soap...just my Regular Soap with Pumice Powder, single color, pleasantly scented. Tried Hanger Swirls...I don't get it. I tried imbeds...little mini donuts made from my Regular recipe. What a PITA and it took forever for those little suckers to dry out enough for me to get them out of the mold! My granddaughter like them so yeah...I'll do it again for her. Have no interest in Column Molds or Pull Thru or Landscape Designs or using Soap Shapers or Soap Dough. I did buy a small Slab Mold and some plastic from the Dollar Store to try a Taiwan Swirl...just because.
One unexpected thing...found these really cute cavity molds on Amazon...not very fancy or expensive...makes a 3 oz soap. Had an idea of using them for a 'luxury' soap made with some fancy (expensive) ingredients, beautifully packaged, limited edition. So I bought two molds, made a small batch of my Regular recipe...pastel pink, rose scent. OMG...local folks went nuts over them! I made 8 bars, had given 4 of them away as gifts and had taken three of them (was keeping one for myself) to a crafting weekend. One lady offered me $20 for two of them! Of course I took her money...I'm not stupid. She then asked me if I had any additional scents. Working on it.