I found with my cpop adventures that the soaps firms up and then it goes soft again on top then firms up again. If you check it regularly enough you can see this firm soft firm changes and once its back to firm you know its done and can either rest in the oven or be taken out.
I will look for that sequence in future. I was kinda winging it tonight, and I'm not sure yet if I'm happy with the results yet or not. Tyvm for the feedback
Here's where the soap stands right now:
I took it out of the mold (stuck it in the freezer for a few to make it easier to get out, Ty to all who suggested that). It unmolded easily. It cut beautifully, and has no evidence of partial gel (no middle ring in the center... I'm not sure if that means it gelled or not, but it sure doesn't look partially gelled). The white (uncolored) portion looks very nice and white (a positive, for sure). But... the other colors are so dark as to be mud.
Now, to be honest, after I mixed them, I thought to myself "those are way too rich, you mucked that up already" but once the color is in, you can't undo, so I proceeded as if it was fine. I used the same glycerin method for the colorants that I used on the rose pink soap, but that is perhaps not well suited to CPOP as the very pretty pattern I was going for is a laughable muddle of over saturated additives that are barely discernible from each other. Essentially it looks like different colored mudslides LOL.
But... all my errors aside.... I think it did indeed gel, as I can tell the soap is way more solid than it usually is, especially for having only made it 8 hours ago. This is a plus, as I like not having to wait 2 days to cut LOL. Also, the scent is still very much present - but I'm not sure if that's a result of the scent or the process.
So... for my first CPOP I would feel safe in saying I did the process itself right, even if I messed up the batch itself with my errors. I will likely try it again when I'm off on Wednesday, as it didn't give me any grief and the trade offs of faster cutting and more intense color saturation are quite nice. And I'm not sure I like the recipe I'm using. This is the second batch I've used it on that has traced too fast, even with barely emulsion this time, and the colors are not what I intended. I might need to rethink this recipe or go back to the one that worked well for the first swirl attempt.
Man, there is one heck of a learning curve on this soap making... good thing I'm stubborn enough to consider failures and less than optimal results a challenge to figure it out til I get it right