Well-Known Member
I'll be making mine on Saturday, I've already made some embeds for the soap.
Dragon girl, I love your creamy tops! Also, that is an amazing degree of discoloration after the CPOPing. Mine got noticeably darker, but nothing like that.
Newbie, it must be that FO. I wonder if the gelled soaps from it - what is it, b/t/w? - will end up lighter than the ungelled ones. You certainly wouldn't expect it, but you wouldn't expect this, either. That is weird.
It must be a factor of whatever ingredient is going to darken the soap.
These are two of my busts. The one on the left is gelled, Vanilla Bean Noel, and the one on the right is ungelled Black Lavender and Vanilla. My coffee scented soaps have taken longer to discolor when ungelled but the color is more golden and richer than gelled. Manufacturer may play a role too for all I know.
This Saturday already? As in two days from now? What happened to the time?!?!
Drat! I got spots!! What's up with this?
Sorry, I was just excited to put it up early... I don't think it matters in my mind. Is that wrong? That's probably wrong, right? I'll wait till the 18th. I forgot I had given a day, for some reason I thought I'd just said "at a later time". Oops!