SMF October 2024 Challenge - Flannel and Knit

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To enter the October 2024 SMF Challenge, copy and paste these instructions and the entire list into a new post, adding your name and the next number at the bottom.

Sign-up list:
1. Ackosel - this is way above my experience and skill level, but I'm going to try it anyway.
2. Tammyfarms - my supplies arrive tonight. Should be able to get soap made this week.
It's been kind of lonely on this thread!😅 I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb, but if I didn't sign up right away, I might not have ever done it. It's already been a fun learning experience, but it'll be even more fun when more people register for the challenge.
I just joined you! Hopefully more people will sign up!
I just joined you! Hopefully more people will sign up!
Hooray, I'm no longer an only child!

My next bin of apples comes this weekend. I hope I can make another stab at a challenge soap before then. Our weather is changing from beautiful sunshine and mid 70s to rain and snow with highs in the 40s. Lots of things to button up outside before the weather changes!
To enter the October 2024 SMF Challenge, copy and paste these instructions and the entire list into a new post, adding your name and the next number at the bottom.

Sign-up list:
1. Ackosel - this is way above my experience and skill level, but I'm going to try it anyway.
2. Tammyfarms - my supplies arrive tonight. Should be able to get soap made this week.
3. Bookworm42 - just got my stuff today. Let's see if I have enough time.
Hooray, I'm no longer an only child!

My next bin of apples comes this weekend. I hope I can make another stab at a challenge soap before then. Our weather is changing from beautiful sunshine and mid 70s to rain and snow with highs in the 40s. Lots of things to button up outside before the weather changes!
We are neighbors! When I saw your weather is just like ours I looked at your profile. I am in the panhandle of Idaho. This fall has been amazing.

Yay @bookworm42, glad you joined the party!
To enter the October 2024 SMF Challenge, copy and paste these instructions and the entire list into a new post, adding your name and the next number at the bottom.

Sign-up list:

1. Ackosel - this is way above my experience and skill level, but I'm going to try it anyway.
2. Tammyfarms - my supplies arrive tonight. Should be able to get soap made this week.
3. Bookworm42 - just got my stuff today. Let's see if I have enough time.
4. AliOop - I made soap, so I'm in!
So today I got to make some soap - the first soap since last month's challenge, actually.

I experimented with creating a knit texture on top of the soap by first drawing lines with a fork across the length of the loaf, and then lightly pressing more lines over the top of the first ones but running perpendicular to them. Of course, this was the one time that my batter didn't trace fast, even with my oils at 140ºF. What's up with that? Maybe it was the OMH FO, but I don't remember it slowing trace before.

Still, I did manage to get what looks a bit like knit texture when I squint at it. 🤨 We will see what it looks like tomorrow. If it works, this may be an easy way to make a knit texture that requires no impression mat or mad soaping skills, lol.

A little leftover batter went into cavity molds, so I did the tops of those, too. Once I can unmold the cavity soaps, I'll post some pics since they will not be my entry soaps.
I pre-measured all my oils, made & measured an essential oil blend and pre-mixed colorants last night so I can get right into making embeds after milking this morning.

My first attempt at buffalo plaid ended up looking more like checkers than plaid. If attempt two is no better, I might give up on plaid and try knitting soap with a fork and see how that goes.😀
I used Moroccan red clay as one of my colorants. Since I'm using goat milk in my soap, I dispersed the clay in fresh milk instead of oil or water. I left it in the fridge overnight and used it this morning. The stuff turned the soap geryish PURPLE! I always get a darker-than-I-wanted reddish brown with that clay. It's a really neat color, but won't work with the colors I'm going for in this plaid. We'll have to see how it comes out after it gels, but this is an interesting experiment. I'm dying to see if the color changes as it cures. I'll have to see what my other clays look like mixed with milk... Reminds me of some of the colorant experiments @justsomeguy has shared.
My DH decided to surprise me by coming home with 2 big boxes of apples last night. He was jealous of all your appley goodness I guess. 🤣
Hopefully I can find time to soap in-between batches of dried apples and applesauce!🤞
I am so thankful for my teenage and preteen helpers! Remembering the days when I did it all myself with infants & toddlers underfoot...🥰 Now, I do it with big helpers AND infants & toddlers underfoot!😍