I have many four letter words to say about my first attempt. It's in the oven now and I will understand but be severely disappointed if it doesn't turn out.
We collected Lake Superior water this morning so I could attempt the Irish Spring dupe I'm planning for the brother in law (I'm going to call it Michigan Fall). As I was looking at colors I found the perfect scheme for what I was planning for my mom's Christmas present. I figured I could still use the water and clear the Brita filter for house water again (we collected near the oar dock and I wanted to be sure we didnt get too many nasties in it). I set up my colorants and was very happy to see that I think I had exact colorants (or close enough). I dumped my NaOH into the water, tossed the measuring cup, checked my oils, did not stir the lye and wondered why it wasnt heating fast. Measured my sodium lactate and the water heated to where I usually soap but I was confused because it was acting strange, panicked because when I went to mix the bottom of the cup was bumpy, started to combine everything, then realized that all my NaOH had clumped to the bottom of the cup and was stuck there. I had to tear apart the cup to get the chunk of lye out of it. I added extra water to dissolve my lye and ended up with three extra bars of soap when it was all said and done. But I also added too much titanium dioxide and now two of my colors are muted. I just want soap that soaps.
Plus side to all this. My top turned out perfect but I dont know about the rest. I also didnt use up my FO in case I need to make a second batch for my mom.
I'm going to go drink more and try to stop saying things on the internet for a while. (and yes, I am probably projecting onto my soap again. It's a bad habit that I need to break)