If you want a deadline midnight Friday night, better to say it closes 11:59pm Friday, 5/27.
If you say entries are accepted 22-28, but close it the first minute of the day 5/28, that will create more confusion than you realize!
I am sorry you found that confusing, and I do appreciate where you are coming from. If it were verbally stated, yes, it would definitely need clarification, but it was clearly written out in the first post as
12:00 am GMT.
I have used 11:59 pm in the past; this time I chose to use the standard 12:00 am. So I see that doesn't work out so well. Perhaps I will use 11:00 pm GMT for the next Challenge I host (no promises).
Also, just to clarify that from one date to another date, does not necessarily imply the last date is inclusive, but usually indicates until the last date. From to, not from through. At least that is how I learned it in school. If I were to have said from '22-28, inclusive', then obviously it would have meant 'through the 28th' and not to the 28th. But that's probably not the only issue. GMT is probably contributing to part of the confusion. I will expand on
why we use GMT below.
Here it is in the first post:
Closing time was 12:00 am GMT on May 28, which was 7pm May 27 Central Time (where I live). I did not say midnight the 28th, I said 12:00 am the 28th GMT. GMT = Greenwich Mean Time.
Why we use GMT:
It was determined that for the Challenges we needed to use a uniform time zone because this is an international community & members live in a variety of different time zones all over the world, as do the Challenge hosts. GMT was the uniform time zone that was decided upon and that is what the Challenge hosts use. The time may vary with each of us based our own time zone (when we will be awake to open, close, or post something for the Challenge), but we use GMT when indicating the times for submitting, voting, etc.
I am so sorry that using Greenich Mean Time is confusing. It is to me anyway, which is why I use
this to determine what time it is for me, both when creating the timeline and when choosing to participate and enter a challenge.
In the past, I did include a link to a GMT convertor, I will try and remember to do so again in the future.
Your soaps are beautiful, btw.
So are yours,
@linne1gi .