SMF May 2019 Challenge - Tiger Stripes

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1.Primrose - not my most favourite visual design however I'd like to try something new
2. MarnieSoapien - RAWR!
3. Cellador- Purrrfect
4. earlene - I've only done this once, and it's time to try again.
5. amd - this really will be a challenge for my fast moving recipe!
6. jcandleattic - In like Flynn
7. Dawni - hmm.. let's see if I can get this done in HP
8. steffamarie - I've been thinking about doing a tiger stripe! You read my mind!
9. mommycarlson - count me in!
10. Marilyn Norgart-i am in!!
11. Misschief - we shall see...will I have time?
12. cerelife - time to try something new!
13. amy78130-yes please!! So excited!!!
14. chela1261 - since it's my favorite animal I have to try this one
15. msunnerstood - Just because I feel challenged to accomplish it in HP
16. Chris_S - Some of my best soaps have been tiger strips so might as well try one more (can i make a new one but also include older soaps?)
17. SideDoorSoaps - oooh on purpose tiger stripes!
18. Atihcnoc - my first tiger stripes!
19. Rogue-Soaper - I would like to try this one too.
20. KristaY- It's been a while so I'm excited!
21. Zanzalawi- i've got plenty of time :D
22. Penelopejane - I'd really like to do this but we are going away soon...
23. KiwiMoose - KiwiTiger! Tigers would eat Kiwis for lunch! Lucky we don’t have any large predators here.
24. Terri- This could be fun :)
25. Sonya-m - I’ve been away far, far too long!
26. DWinMadison - signed up :)
27. Serene- ...
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It was a joke, I am making a soap. I have entered a few of the challenges in the past, and I think the only time I missed an entry was due to a death in the family. Will edit so there is no confusion.


1.Primrose - not my most favourite visual design however I'd like to try something new
2. MarnieSoapien - RAWR!
3. Cellador- Purrrfect
4. earlene - I've only done this once, and it's time to try again.
5. amd - this really will be a challenge for my fast moving recipe!
6. jcandleattic - In like Flynn
7. Dawni - hmm.. let's see if I can get this done in HP
8. steffamarie - I've been thinking about doing a tiger stripe! You read my mind!
9. mommycarlson - count me in!
10. Marilyn Norgart-i am in!!
11. Misschief - we shall see...will I have time?
12. cerelife - time to try something new!
13. amy78130-yes please!! So excited!!!
14. chela1261 - since it's my favorite animal I have to try this one
15. msunnerstood - Just because I feel challenged to accomplish it in HP
16. Chris_S - Some of my best soaps have been tiger strips so might as well try one more (can i make a new one but also include older soaps?)
17. SideDoorSoaps - oooh on purpose tiger stripes!
18. Atihcnoc - my first tiger stripes!
19. Rogue-Soaper - I would like to try this one too.
20. KristaY- It's been a while so I'm excited!
21. Zanzalawi- i've got plenty of time :D
22. Penelopejane - I'd really like to do this but we are going away soon...
23. KiwiMoose - KiwiTiger! Tigers would eat Kiwis for lunch! Lucky we don’t have any large predators here.
24. Terri- This could be fun :)
25. Sonya-m - I’ve been away far, far too long!
26. DWinMadison - signed up :)
27. Serene- ...

28. Asmita
It’s in the mold! In fact, I have two variations on a theme: one full-blown color and other more minimalist. I’ll decide which one to enter after I cut #2 tomorrow.
Cut mine day before yesterday. Its not perfect but im entering it anyway just to show my stubborness in trying to do it in HP lol
My 2nd batch is a crap shoot at this point. I believe the colors are going to end up much more muted than I had imagined, but it should still be very nice. I was going for big, bold color striations, and it's just hard to do that in 2/3 of a batch without wasting a ton of colorant and/or ending up with a soap that stains. My batter consistency was dead-on for nice, thick tiger stripes, and I believe my pouring technique will produce a pattern that is interesting and different yet true to the core challenge. I used coconut milk as the remainder of liquid after the 50/50 lye solution and it started the soap off almost like it had TD in it, which of course pulled my bold colors more toward pastels. I've been making predominantly white soaps with minimal swirls since adding so much coconut milk in my standard recipe, and I hadn't noticed how white it starts the batter off.

On the up-side, it smells awesome! If you haven't tried WSP's "Cedarwood Patchouli," I highly recommend it. It doesn't really smell like either (although, I actually love both), but is a very nice, earthy unisex scent. The online reviews of it are stellar. That said, it also reminds me of one reason why I prefer EOs to FOs. This one has a 5% vanilla content, which I didn't remember, so I didn't think to use vanilla stabilizer--it may be fine, but could end up with some color morph--again not much experience here with FOs, and morphing is never a problem I have to think about using EOs. Finally, the product info clearly states that it cures to "light brown," which I didn't notice, and I'm worried that might further change my color pallet...again, maybe not a bad thing, but not what I had originally envisioned. If I had built brown into the color scheme, this would have been a great problem to have....duh!

Thanks for this challenge! This is a technique I plan to continue using and perfecting, which is what this is all about after all. I can't wait to cut it tonight. If it's not what I want, I still have time to pour a small batch of really vibrant colored soap over weekend, but since this is visual challenge, I may opt to leave out the coconut milk and fragrance just to keep it simple with better control of the color outcome.
Congrats on getting it done @DWinMadison :) It's a fun technique to play with, isn't it. If you can get a picture quickly after you cut, the discoloration probably won't have reached the inside yet. That usually happens with exposure to the air. But it is a fairly small window before it starts to change.
I just cut my first attempt of my Tiger Stripe and I'm loving it!! I think it turned out very nice. I can't wait to make more :D Thank you for this challenge.
Congrats on getting it done @DWinMadison :) It's a fun technique to play with, isn't it. If you can get a picture quickly after you cut, the discoloration probably won't have reached the inside yet. That usually happens with exposure to the air. But it is a fairly small window before it starts to change.
I hadn't though about it in those terms, but was planning to photograph quickly anyway. Excellent point.
I hadn't though about it in those terms, but was planning to photograph quickly anyway. Excellent point.
It’s cut! Came out very nice
My 2nd batch is a crap shoot at this point. I believe the colors are going to end up much more muted than I had imagined, but it should still be very nice. I was going for big, bold color striations, and it's just hard to do that in 2/3 of a batch without wasting a ton of colorant and/or ending up with a soap that stains. My batter consistency was dead-on for nice, thick tiger stripes, and I believe my pouring technique will produce a pattern that is interesting and different yet true to the core challenge. I used coconut milk as the remainder of liquid after the 50/50 lye solution and it started the soap off almost like it had TD in it, which of course pulled my bold colors more toward pastels. I've been making predominantly white soaps with minimal swirls since adding so much coconut milk in my standard recipe, and I hadn't noticed how white it starts the batter off.
It’s cut! I’m very pleased. Yes, the colors are a bit lighter than I originally wanted, but they are true to what I poured—no morph, unless it happens during cure. (And man, oh man, does it smell good!). It’s a 3 color swirl, and I split the colors at 1/3 each of the batter. Next time, if I want to use really dark/bold colors I’d probably do 50/25/25 or maybe even 50/30/20 with 20 being something really dark like black or navy. My first attempt was colored at 80/10/10, and It’s nice too, but not the best for this competition. I may post that later sinceI’m not entering it
I have a we have to use alternating colors for this challenge so we have the contrasting stripes? Or can we use the pouring technique to create other effects? Let me know what you guys think!
I have a we have to use alternating colors for this challenge so we have the contrasting stripes? Or can we use the pouring technique to create other effects? Let me know what you guys think!
I'm not quite sure what you are asking. The rules just require that you use the pouring technique, at least two colors and that stripes are visible throughout the soap. You can PM me with your idea if you have questions about your plan.
Congrats on getting it done @DWinMadison :) It's a fun technique to play with, isn't it. If you can get a picture quickly after you cut, the discoloration probably won't have reached the inside yet. That usually happens with exposure to the air. But it is a fairly small window before it starts to change.
Is it fair to ask a fellow member friend To help you choose between one or more possible entries without violating the spirit of the challenge?—obviously, that would be done in a PM, not a posted pictures the page.