Pictures!! The first is my ghost swirl test batch. The second is a picture of the color morph in the extra batter poured from what will probably be my entry soap. This color change happened in the large mold as well, but wasn't evident until cut.
Nice looking! It's gonna have halos around the low water from the look of it. I love the effect.
Get this: I unmolded and cut that batch within 2.5 hours of pulling out of the oven. It was plenty firm, and it zapped a little but nothing too serious. I was shocked at how quickly it firmed up but both my notes and my timestamped pics confirm it. The loaf cut really cleanly and didn't nick up anywhere from handling too early. I'm at a loss to explain it as I didn't use anything to harden or hasten it (no salt, sodium lactate, high CO, etc). But I'll take a quick cut any day, any way!This stuff takes forever to cool off!!! I pulled my last attempt out of the oven at 8:00 last night (160 F) and had to wait until 11:00 this morning to release the mold.