Silly Topic - How many of us also love to cook?

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jennikate said:
I am the cook do I love it no do i hate it no LOL. I do love my soaping though.

i LOVE to cook, love to experiment, love anything ethnic. quit my job as a reporter for a year (many years ago) to spend it learning to cook with a french chef part-time and working in a boutique winery the other part-time. love food and wine, love it love it! only problem is i'm the only one in my household who loves anything but meat and potatoes and heinekin, no matter how sneaky my efforts :(

so for me, soaping IS cooking! minus the calories, of course, that would be consumed by only me eating my wonderful [subjective, of course] cooking ;)

p.s. hmmmm, now that i think about it, i wonder if part of the reason i'm so into soaping is that i'm a frustrated cook, hee hee :lol:
I used to love to bake and I usually like to cook. The desire has declined recently, and with my guys growing up and leaving home, not as many people to cook for.

The routine at our house has long been that the guys spent an hour doing household chores, while I cook supper. Our youngest would rather cook than clean so he cooks many nights. I must say that I enjoy the break. But the gang of their friends comes over on a Sunday afternoon, so I still get to feed a big group once a week. Fun.
my2scents said:
I love to cook & bake, I didn't realize when I started making soap how similar the two were & when I became addicted & completely into soap making I kept telling people " I'm not a crafty person, I'm shocked at myself" & after thinking about it I realized I love it because its so much like cooking & just like food..... it stimulates many senses
I love the smells, the colors & textures, how it feels
& its somthing our bodies need.
What better way to show somone you love them than cooking them a great meal & making them some soap to have a fabulous cleansing experiance with.
My friends, family & co workers are toatally spoiled & they think I'm Martha Stewart :lol:

I was a chef for about 3 years a long time ago. I still enjoy the time I get in a kitchen. My wife does'nt mind me working in the kitchen either. I think my cooking background is also part of why I brew my own beer as well. And as someone else said I too enjoy the fruits of my labor.

paillo said:
p.s. hmmmm, now that i think about it, i wonder if part of the reason i'm so into soaping is that i'm a frustrated cook, hee hee :lol:

I think you hit the nail on the head with this one. I LOVE food, experimenting and marrying different flavors to see how they act with one another.

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE my family but they just don't appreciate the subtleties. Thanksgiving for example, I spent nine hours straight cooking. When I was ready to put in my turkey I pulled it out of the maple brine and started to rinse it in the sink. Prior to this I had cut up and set aside apples, onions, bread, and fresh herbs to be used as my aromatics inside the bird. I explained all of it to my mom who was watching, told her what the aromatics were and explained why they are referred to as aromatics. I realized as my hand was jammed down the cavity of the bird that I needed the knife that was by the aromatics. The conversation went something like.

Me: Mom can you hand me the knife by the aromatics.
Mom: What? No there's not air freshener in here
Me: Mom, the knife sitting by the aromatics, I need it.
Mom: Oh I'll get you a knife, what kind?
Me: The one on the cutting board will do
Mom: OH you mean the one by the #$@ that you are going to shove in the Turkey's !@!


I suspect that the subtleties of the homemade soap will be lost on them as well. But I'm continuing to learn for the same reason I've never given up on cooking. Because even though there are very few people in my life that actually will appreciate it, I enjoy it. So for the most part cooking and soaping are things I do for myself.
Yes, I love to cook, even more if I have time to do something nice instead of serving up three squares to my husband and kids every day.

Shortly before I began making soap I made a wedding cake for a friend. The first time my soap traced, I thought, "oh, it's an emulsion, like lemon curd or Italian meringue butter cream frosting." The chemical processes can be similar.

And gee, wouldn't you know, many of my soaps are inspired by food. Let's see: honey & oatmeal, margarita, chai, almond cookie, Mounds (TM) bar, avocado & cucumber, etc., etc. People joke that they don't know whether to bathe with them or eat them.

My 8 year old has asked for a banana split soap. I don't know how I'd manage that. But I'm thinking about it. :D
I LOOOOOOOOOVE to cook... I'm a diehard foodie... Baking isn't my strongpoint, I get real crazy on the gourmet side of things... Homemade pasta, sauces, trying to mill my own flour, you name It I will cook it!! (There are loooads of threads in the recipes/food section!) I think I have a how to make homemade pasta tutorial on there somewhere too :)

Probably the only kid in college that never ate out, always cooked etc..... :) saved me money and gave me a lil extra swing with the females :) always good to be able to cook stuff ppl can't pronounce :)

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