Hey fellow soapers, enthusiasts and philosophers! I’m sorry for taking so long to respond. I got my second vaccination yesterday and I’ve been so tired and cloudy headed I couldn’t muster up the energy to appropriately respond.
Thank you for tolerating and encouraging my rant!

I bet you and I could talk for HOURS!! My first introduction (aka obsession) with science/physics was Einstein’s special theory of relativity and his general theory of relativity (Hey, general relativity is special too, right?

) Both intrigued me deeply to the point that I lost sleep trying to “realize” and make real in my psyche how this makes sense. I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours trying to understand relativity theory. One of my first experiences in a forum was a science forum asking for advice for understanding special relativity. The answers I got were “Nobody can wrap their minds around relativity, but we know it’s true because of it’s predictive capacity. So just accept it.” Okay (enter my skeptic nature) BUT, I desire to understand, I’m going to do everything I possibly can to try to understand, I’m not trying to play God, but I’m not satisfied with being told to give up on understanding. I mean, I learned to sleep on it, but I’m not giving up!” After after about a year and a half of daily thought experiments on special relativity I was finally able to visualize slivers of the relationship between space and time. Small, but satisfying. I realized that special relativity is such a close approximation to measurable reality that it’s ultimately functional in any manner that I could possibly use. It’s closer to the truth than I’ll ever need in human life. General relativity, not so close, but damn functional!!! I was impressed that Einstein also believed that his general theory of relativity was incorrect, rather a close approximation. I have to point out that I don’t believe I’m more intelligent than Einstein. I simply believe that less intelligent people are ALWAYS welcome to question people who are more intelligent. Obsession is where genius lies, not intelligence. I entered the rabbit hole

While my views on the double slit experiment and Laplace’s Demon have evolved over the years, there is a haunting intelligence that seems to hover above us. I think that greatness in any endeavor is often viewed in our culture as something we have to work ourselves UP to, but I truly believe that greatness is something that offers itself down to us. There isn’t any need to build a tower. We don’t need to fight gravity to overcome it. I mean, we don’t need to understand gravity to fall on our bums! (As you comedically pointed out with your 50/50 soap

Your early yet sincere efforts didn’t save you from DOS

) But if we understand gravity, we might be able to use it to make better soap

or at least makes some aspect of our lives better. Thanks for that


Thank you my philosophical friend
@Mobjack Bay
I’m so glad to hear your father was a tradesman!! I bet he was a science minded person like yourself. What line of science are you most interested/working with?
With your soap making experience, what drives you to tweak a recipe or keep it? Have you ever made a soap batch that truly surprised you how good it was and why do you think it was so good?
ML sounds very intriguing

Add your own ingredients and see what values the calculator spits out and tweak from there..