Silly Topic - How many of us also love to cook?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2010
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I was just looking at a fantastic apple pie on another post on this forum and I TOTALLY agree with the poster's comment no how it's not a big leap from cooking/baking to soapmaking. For the record, I also LOVE to cook and bake. It' creative and I get to enjoy the fruits of my labor - just like with soap! It's both beautiful and artistic, and consumable at the same time. I'm all "aflutter" just thinking about it! :D
ME! And I think that's why I really love soapmaking!'s alot less calories making soap than baking. lol
I hate to cook regular dinner. lol But I love to bake cookies, cakes and desserts.
I can cook a few things real well, cheese cake is a favorite of mine, but other than that and Mexican food my family can't handle my creative cooking. Maybe that's why I hate to cook.
ME ME ME! I LOVE to cook. Baking, cooking, all of it.

Pixy do you make your cheesecake with or without a crust? I have a crustless waterbath cheesecake recipe that is simply to die for.

I usually pull part of the batter away and make it into a capuccino/mocha batter to swirl into the regular batter. Then after it bakes I "create" a crust using chocolate shards stuck to the side of the cheesecake with ganache.

I don't mind sharing the recipe if anyone is interested.
Fyrja said:
ME ME ME! I LOVE to cook. Baking, cooking, all of it.

Pixy do you make your cheesecake with or without a crust? I have a crustless waterbath cheesecake recipe that is simply to die for.

I usually pull part of the batter away and make it into a capuccino/mocha batter to swirl into the regular batter. Then after it bakes I "create" a crust using chocolate shards stuck to the side of the cheesecake with ganache.

I don't mind sharing the recipe if anyone is interested.

I make it with a crust, handmade gram cracker crust, and I like to put fruit in my cheese cake like pineapple.
Me too!! Me too!! *waving*

I keep track of my baking experiments like I do my soaping -- write down each thing as I do it on a 4X6 card -- so that if I like it I can make it again!!
I too Love cooking - and making things up !

Breakfast pie -- pie crust, scrambled eggs, corned beef hash, sausage, cheese and bake
Not me ... my hubby always cooked for me and he loved trying any foods and used to watch the fool channels on pay TV, then get to work baking whatever.

My sweetie died 22 months ago and since then I do cook, mostly on the weekends. He told me I had to look after myself and I promised him I would. I enjoy cooking, but I don't think I'm all that good at it.

I did go 'raw vegan' for 6 months ... summer 2009/2010. It took longer to prepare the food I was eating, but I was incredibly healthy during this time and the food was amazing ... but that's another story. 8)
I'm not big on cooking. I can cook good food, but I'd prefer to not to. Most of the time I don't because of my work schedule and not getting home till 6 or 7 PM, and by then someone else has usually already done it. :D
agriffin said:
I hate to cook regular dinner. lol But I love to bake cookies, cakes and desserts.

That's me too. I don't like cooking regular meals but love making sweet stuff. :wink:
I do enjoy cooking but I prefer something that isn't going to take me a while or make too big of a mess. I get more excited about making dinner than I do baking but I'm pretty decent at both. Tonight I'm making fettuccini alfredo. Yum.
Oh, good! I thought I was the only one who loves to make soap (and lip balm, lotion, etc..), but doesn't like to cook or bake!
I really wish I did like to cook, it's hard to feed little kids as healthy as I'd like to without having some creativity and desire to cook!
pixybratt said:
I Hope I'm not the only one, but I hate to cook.

I'm right in there with you pixy! I hate to cook meals but occasionally will get the urge to bake something sweet. :lol:
I love to cook, whether it be baking sweets or making breakfast, lunch or dinner.

One of my cooking passions is baking bread from scratch (especially since discovering the no-knead method). It's almost as addictive as making soap! :lol:

Tonight for dinner I'm making homemade French meat pie. Yum!

IrishLass :)
I love to cook & bake, I didn't realize when I started making soap how similar the two were & when I became addicted & completely into soap making I kept telling people " I'm not a crafty person, I'm shocked at myself" & after thinking about it I realized I love it because its so much like cooking & just like food..... it stimulates many senses
I love the smells, the colors & textures, how it feels
& its somthing our bodies need.
What better way to show somone you love them than cooking them a great meal & making them some soap to have a fabulous cleansing experiance with.
My friends, family & co workers are toatally spoiled & they think I'm Martha Stewart :lol:
rubyslippers said:
pixybratt said:
I Hope I'm not the only one, but I hate to cook.

I'm right in there with you pixy! I hate to cook meals but occasionally will get the urge to bake something sweet. :lol:

Same I like to make sweets once in a while.
I love food though with the exception of a few meat items and anything spicy lol

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