"Shower Products for Men"

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
If you're a teenge boy who loves anime then this ad is for you.... otherwise you'll just scratch your head like I did :D
Either way, it's definitely the oddest soap "commercial" you'll ever see!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUjh4DE8FZA&feature=player_embedded"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUjh4DE8 ... r_embedded[/ame]
OK, then. I don't think too many boys of that age care enough about soap to bother to buy it or ask for it to be bought.

Gotta give it to them for different though. :)
Have you seen this one?
I saw it on prime time TV. I thought we were watching a spoof but it was the real thing.
Oh, yeah. I have seen one. My son has tried every Axe product under the sun. I hate to admit that some of them smell pretty nice. :shock:
I loved that first video I'm going to show it to my younger son so he can share it with his friends if they haven't seen it already.

I've seen that Axe commercial before that sure was brave of them.

my boys got pretty out spoken about the soap and shampoo scents they used around Jr High one only uses Axe and the other will only use Irish springs.

we never have less than 4 soaps in the shower, just because no one will use the same as anyone else in the darn house.
I think that's made by the same guy who did this or someone spoofing him:


and this:


beware the profanity, kiddos...

I can only tell because my husband watched those videos a million times when they first came out... anyway they eventually made it into a real drink!