Shampoo Bar....burned!

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I am so sorry you got hurt. Blows me away that she would be so callous and rude when you are trying to help by sharing important information about your injury from her product. My bet is that she has had other complaints and she is on the defensive and quite possibly, she has not been making soap for very long.

I probably would not sue either if she were decent and open to discussion HOWEVER her nasty attitude would at least prompt me to file in small claims for the medical bill.

I hope you are feeling better fast.
Holy crap!

Initially, I would also not sue. With her attitude, though, I'd definitely consider it. Now I'm not saying to do one of those crazy "your coffee was too hot and now you owe me $5,000,000" like that silly McDonald's suit, but you should absolutely be refunded your medical bills.

It is not against the law to buy a competitor's product. You have medical proof that you are not just making stuff up.
Might not hurt to have an attorney contact her so you could file an insurance claim and recoup the cost of your medical bills. Are you sure your eyes will heal okay?

Isn't this the whole reason we carry liability anyways? That, and the fact we should be selling a quality product in the first place.
tkhaney1 said:
Might not hurt to have an attorney contact her so you could file an insurance claim and recoup the cost of your medical bills. Are you sure your eyes will heal okay?

Isn't this the whole reason we carry liability anyways? That, and the fact we should be selling a quality product in the first place.

Exactly. I don't go use Pantene and get a chemical burn when it gets in my eyes. I would be PISSED to spend money, and go through the pain, for something that just should not have happened.

TBH I probably would never hire an attorney because I am a weiner and avoid stress as much as I can. But it sure sounds like a decent idea! grumble grumble.
It is quite simple and not as expensive as you would think to hire a lawyer to write a letter to someone. My friend ended up having to sue over her car being fixed wrong and her dentist selling his practice and the new one not covering her Invisalign braces. You pay them for the time they take to do the letter up.

Of course you need to do what makes you feel right. It might be wise to look at it from a point about your eye being okay. If you do something now, if you have problems down the road you will be protected.

I am so sorry you have gone through so much and are put off on shampoo bars. You can try your own soap recipe with some extra castor oil! It will work as soap and shampoo, some people use the same bar for both. :)
Why are you encouraging her to sue? It could be an honest mistake that any of us could make. Do you really want to promote that kind of action, even if someone is grumpy and obnoxious?
I truly don't want to sue this lady, I understand that things happen. I as a soapmaker and seller would hate it if someone sued me for a honest mistake. I just wanted to inform her of what happened especially since they said it looks like a chemical burn. The outside of my eye lid is starting to develop a scab and the inside feels something like a rug burn.

I really just wanted to inform her of what happened and to give her the heads up just in case this happens again to someone else she is aware. I tested the bar today as some of you suggested and "ZAP" was definetly lye heavy or had not cured for the appropriate amount of time.

Thanks for all of your support and suggestions, I am a honest person and had no intentions of trying to discredit her business. As you can see, I never released the name of her business or her actual name, so for her to come off so rude was just not necessary.

I will perhaps try another shampoo bar from someone else, I have liked a few pages on Facebook and those businesses sell shampoo bars so perhaps I will give them a try.
it sounds like your eye is going to be fine and i am so glad for that. i am sorry that you were injured. i hope that your injury didn't put you off shampoo bars forever.

mostly i am grateful you are going to fully recover.
ikindred said:
I truly don't want to sue this lady, I understand that things happen. I as a soapmaker and seller would hate it if someone sued me for a honest mistake. I just wanted to inform her of what happened especially since they said it looks like a chemical burn. The outside of my eye lid is starting to develop a scab and the inside feels something like a rug burn.

I really just wanted to inform her of what happened and to give her the heads up just in case this happens again to someone else she is aware. I tested the bar today as some of you suggested and "ZAP" was definetly lye heavy or had not cured for the appropriate amount of time.

Thanks for all of your support and suggestions, I am a honest person and had no intentions of trying to discredit her business. As you can see, I never released the name of her business or her actual name, so for her to come off so rude was just not necessary.

I will perhaps try another shampoo bar from someone else, I have liked a few pages on Facebook and those businesses sell shampoo bars so perhaps I will give them a try.

To sell a lye heavy, zapping bar is purely negligent. If that was sold to someone with a young child, for example, that could have caused irreparable damage. I'm not typically "for" suing people just for the heck of it. However, there is no reason why she should not be responsible for your medical bills. ER visits are not cheap, even with good insurance.

I've made a lye heavy batch by mistake, as I'm sure everyone has. I zap tested it again and again, and pitched it after multiple zaps. Either this woman is ignorant to what she is doing, or just frankly doesn't give a crap.
People who are upset or scared often over react or react, initially, the wrong way. Let's hope she actually took a look at the product and reacted properly in the end.
Just a thought, so here goes....have the bar professionally tested, send her the results along with a lawyers letter. and then report her (i'm assuming that you have a government body over there that regulates soaping isssues such as this?) if not then retrieve your medical expenses through her insurance.

The reason I suggest this is 1. if we turn a blind eye (pardon the pun) as soapers and consumers then nobody is left accountable for their negligence.
2. This could have been a child, imagine a 5 yr old or even younger having her mum washing her hair with this bar (or others from this batch), the outcome may not have been or be so good (not that i'm saying your's was a good experience but you COULD HAVE ended up with permanent damage)
3. You know your heart and motives, regardless of her allegations towards you, be it through fear/panic or just plain rudeness there is nothing wrong with retrieving costs for your medical expenses and doing what you can in preventing others from the same outcome, i've known mothers to use standard commercial soap on their newborn babies heads, their ignorance tells them as long as it cleans it will do, i'magine that bub screaming to high heaven trying to tell it's mummy the pain it's in. :shock:
I think you did a good thing by giving her feedback. Like Carebear mentioned, sometimes we react to a situation when put on the spot, but go away and amend it later.
Is it really worth the energy of sueing? I would prob see if she is still selling the same product later, and if she isn't then let it be.

I have had CP in my eye before and man it hurts, my soap was fine, but it was nasty, red and swollen for ages. I have used shampoo bars in the past, but no longer do (partly for this reason). I think they should all come with a warning, or the seller should caution the buyer on sale.

I have purchased a CP soap before that was so over perfumed and stripping that it completely burnt my privates and actually made the skin on my hands crack form overdrying, I suffered for weeks. It was horrible - I never gave her feedback, I wish I had. It sucks that there are people out there selling poor quality product - if I didn't know more about Cp soap I would have been put off for life - it effects us all.
carebear said:
Why are you encouraging her to sue? It could be an honest mistake that any of us could make. Do you really want to promote that kind of action, even if someone is grumpy and obnoxious?

Over here, I wouldn't; even though I'm insuranced for these kind of things.
But then, over here she'd be monitored by the "FDA" and perhaps closed if safety assessments etc. weren't performed...
It could be an honest mistake that any of us could make.

Sure, anybody can make a mistake, but the issue I see here is how they deal with that mistake. But as somebody said above, anybody can make a second mistake :)
Fragola said:
It could be an honest mistake that any of us could make.

Sure, anybody can make a mistake, but the issue I see here is how they deal with that mistake. But as somebody said above, anybody can make a second mistake :)
and you could make a first mistake... just sayin'
I hope your eye makes a fast and full recovery and I think you should just wait until it heals and do what ever feels right for you once that has happened. It's way too early to be thinking about any action other than just getting your eye better right now and I think you did the right thing by letting the seller know what happened.

And I bet if anyone can rock an eye patch you can 8)
carebear said:
and you could make a first mistake... just sayin'

Even a second one, like I wanted to say. Wait a minute ... I did say that !

More on topic, how's the eye going ?
tkhaney1 said:
Might not hurt to have an attorney contact her so you could file an insurance claim and recoup the cost of your medical bills. Are you sure your eyes will heal okay?

Isn't this the whole reason we carry liability anyways? That, and the fact we should be selling a quality product in the first place.
With hindsight I would not have told her that you're a soapmaker.