Finally uploaded my entry. I woke up at 3:30 am last night and thought about how I could have improved upon the execution, all the while suspecting I missed a crucial step or two.
I think a T&S mold would have been more dramatic because I could have had a thicker layer of M&P. I’d have omitted the brown layer entirely—it detracts from the design. And I learned during my second attempt to pour the M&P in the mold and blast it with my hot gun until the surface “skin” remelted and, before it had a chance to harden, pour so that the CP soap could break the surface.
I did not do that for this attempt and really really wish I had to create spikes of fire, rather than “boils” of fire. Oh well. It is just soap and I regret that I feel tired from my obsessive analysis it in the darkness of nighttime when I should have been asleep.

I think a T&S mold would have been more dramatic because I could have had a thicker layer of M&P. I’d have omitted the brown layer entirely—it detracts from the design. And I learned during my second attempt to pour the M&P in the mold and blast it with my hot gun until the surface “skin” remelted and, before it had a chance to harden, pour so that the CP soap could break the surface.
I did not do that for this attempt and really really wish I had to create spikes of fire, rather than “boils” of fire. Oh well. It is just soap and I regret that I feel tired from my obsessive analysis it in the darkness of nighttime when I should have been asleep.

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