My rashes and eczema journey

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I second that! I make it at home in my Instant Pot (electric pressure cooker).
Did you know that you can get heirloom cultures and simply leave it on your counter with no heating while it cultures, and keep reusing the yogurt as the starter forever? I used to hate making it, now we make 2 gallons a week and haven't bought starter of any kind for a couple years. (The starter will be refrigerated yogurt, but unlike non-heirloom starter it keeps going.)
So far sugars are on a restricted diet, not yet eliminated ~ and today I had a few of those sugar wafer things that are light and airy and thought no problem because no dairy (although I didn't read the ingredients list yet), but after eating them I got that funky bit of throaty congestion that makes me feel like I want to cough up phlegm 😒 so something is them that doesn't agree with me ~ I will research that tomorrow.
It will be interesting to see how far it goes though because I know I have scent triggers that cause migraines and I do have contact allergies also so I want all the answers now 🤨 I've waited far too long at this point! It's kinda "need to know" mixed with my own curiosity but I will get to the bottom of it! Eventually!

Mine came back with eggs listed twice but the second part was some weird word that sounded gross (like mucous. . . something) and my doctor said that part meant specifically the egg whites ~ I guess no egg white omelettes for me! 😆 But I can't say I've noticed any issue with eggs and I eat them just about every way you can cook them, including hardboiled (as a snack). We'll see what happens when I start re-introducing them into my diet I guess.
Since you mentioned scent triggers… One of my triggers is also scent. I have been really sad that dawn dishwashing liquid changed their fragrance as the new fragrance is really awful. Yesterday I smelled Walmart’s Great Value Dawn dupe and it smells like old Dawn. That’s definitely a win for me.
BTW, Dawn free and clear has a couple versions, one is unscented and one has Lemon “essence”. The lemon essence is really strong and chemically. The unscented has a chemical smell, I’m sure it’s from the ingredients, neither are the same formula as original Dawn and do not work as well.
Wow - it still amazes me how doctors can be so oblivious to allergies in children. I'm so glad you finally got to the bottom of this issue and that you are now on the road to recovery.
Because when children have what are actually allergic reactions, many parents never considered that as a possibility and so never mentioned the reactions to their doctor-especially if allergies were not already apparent in the family history. Once she became an adult, the responsibility became hers.
So far sugars are on a restricted diet, not yet eliminated ~ and today I had a few of those sugar wafer things that are light and airy and thought no problem because no dairy (although I didn't read the ingredients list yet), but after eating them I got that funky bit of throaty congestion that makes me feel like I want to cough up phlegm 😒 so something is them that doesn't agree with me ~ I will research that tomorrow.
If you don't spot anything that stands out on the label, take a photo of the ingredients and share it here. We can point out any questionable ingredients and what they are tied to.
Did you know that you can get heirloom cultures and simply leave it on your counter with no heating while it cultures, and keep reusing the yogurt as the starter forever? I used to hate making it, now we make 2 gallons a week and haven't bought starter of any kind for a couple years. (The starter will be refrigerated yogurt, but unlike non-heirloom starter it keeps going.)
I know that the countertop works well for making yogurt from animal milks; my understanding is that this is in part due to the milk protein structures and their ratio to the milk sugars.

But if you've been successful making coconut milk yogurt on the counter, please share your recipe and process! My understanding is that this process doesn't work well with coconut milk, which has almost zero protein, and is very low in sugars/carbs, too. Thus, it requires added probiotics and warmth to get a culture going. The process in the IP is actually pretty fast and easy, but I'm all for leaving stuff on the counter and doing nothing, if that will work! ;)
Did you know that you can get heirloom cultures and simply leave it on your counter with no heating while it cultures, and keep reusing the yogurt as the starter forever? I used to hate making it, now we make 2 gallons a week and haven't bought starter of any kind for a couple years. (The starter will be refrigerated yogurt, but unlike non-heirloom starter it keeps going.)
That one is new to me! Cool beans!
Since you mentioned scent triggers… One of my triggers is also scent. I have been really sad that dawn dishwashing liquid changed their fragrance as the new fragrance is really awful. Yesterday I smelled Walmart’s Great Value Dawn dupe and it smells like old Dawn. That’s definitely a win for me.
BTW, Dawn free and clear has a couple versions, one is unscented and one has Lemon “essence”. The lemon essence is really strong and chemically. The unscented has a chemical smell, I’m sure it’s from the ingredients, neither are the same formula as original Dawn and do not work as well.
I noticed that too ~ and I have used Dawn for a very long time, way back when I was hand washing dishes. Now my Sweetheart does the dirty work for me (bless him for that!) so I don't have to touch it or smell it 🥰 thank goodness!

I forgot to add that my Dr did finally put me on metformin for my lack of control with my sweets 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️ but we'll see how that goes ~ he still hasn't done the actual fasting blood work, he made the decision off the physical exam results from the neurologist saying I have some neuropathy in my legs and some in some in my hands, plus random episodes of tingling in my left arm, and he thinks it's related to glucose intolerance. That was before my MRI and I just had my MRI completed this past weekend and won't get the results until April, when I see my neurologist again. But all that is just for my migraines and pain issues ~ sometimes I just want to focus on one problem at a time! 🥴
If you don't spot anything that stands out on the label, take a photo of the ingredients and share it here. We can point out any questionable ingredients and what they are tied to.
I did notice it has soy bean oil listed and at the end of the list it says they are made on equipment that processes soy products and soy is on my allergy list 😕 So it could have been that

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