Salt soap flob

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brandnew said:
sorry I guess since it's my computer the photo is on the right!! Alas... :cry: greensoap it wasn't me who used the chocolate but it was nice to be called brave anyway!! :wink:

You are brave for doing a salt soap on a mold that needs cutting! I am too chicken to do that. I ordered single size silicon molds.

Now I have this chocolate salt soap in my brain....what would be a good scent??
I'm with Greenie, I sunk $100 into molds for my regular soap, then turned around and spent another $75ish on molds just for salt bars! I'm liking it though... I like the big hunky bars for my salt bars, and slightly daintier for my regular soaps. Dunno why, but I do like it. Definately don't need to toss them into the oven. If you have anything that you can make individual molds out of, I'd try that. My mom is one of those deal finders, and found a 6 pack of individual silicone heart molds for cupcakes for $0.50... They work really well, and if I could figure out a way to package those suckers, I'd definately be making some heart shaped salt soaps as well!