Salt Soap and damaged skin

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2011
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I was wondering if anyone else has any experience in the use of salt soap on damaged skin.
3.5 years ago I got burns (not sure if it's described like that) because of boiling water on my right leg (mostly) 6% of my skin was damaged, 2nd degree burns. Everything healed well, not so many scars (thanks to neder-over-heembeek, long story) but on my ancle was the biggest blister and gave the most trouble at the moment and has always been a bit sensitive.

Recently I started using my salt bars 80% coconut oil, 10% olive oil and 10% castor oil with 20% superfat and 100 seasalt. Made with hp and is 2,5 months old. It doesn't give any irritation to my skin and most of the burn scars but everytime I use it on my ancle (never use much there) my ancle feels very unpleasant.

Does anyone else have experience with salt soap and damaged skin or an idea why it happens? Already asked my doctor but he doesn't know much about the soap and therefor can't give any info. I don't use the soap on my ancle anymore but I would like to know why it happend...

Thanks in advance!
Yes, salt can irritate. Probably irritates other places aswell, but only your ankle notices it. I mean, your ankle may be your personal Achilles Heel :)

You can try lowering the salt amount, maybe between 15 and 25%. For me aswell, 100% is too much.
DH used my salt bar for shaving and his skin felt like burning for quite sometime, I only use 30% salt, 15% SF 70% CO.
I also thought that it could be nerve damage that may be causeing the unpleasant feeling. I've never has a salt soap to know what sort of sensation it might have normally, but if your scars are healed, then maybe it's the texture of the soap irritating the scar on your ankle?
Nerve damage possibly?

I think we all react differently to different things and for some there are psychological issues as well. For example I have huge 'head' issues about using soap that has palm oil in it ... it really upsets me.

My daughter has psoriasis and prior to me makijng soap, she had to use products provided by pharmacies ... and some of them smelled yuck! Since I've been making soap, she's using my castile (100% OO) and salt soap without issue ... and loving it. She's now trialling my plain buttermilk soap without a problem and hopefully soon she'll try my plain goats milk soap.

Life is good!
You only get nerve damage when the burns are 3th degree, have a story about that by the way (considering soap making): in the hospital there was a man who sat in drain cleaner (lye in a way) and he didn't even feel it because it went right away to 3th degree burn and he didn't feel a thing... Still find it strange that he didn't feel a thing, even in the beginning.

I haven't been to the beach in years so I don't know....
I sometimes forget not everyone has the beach on their doorstep ;)

Hypothetically if you mixed a small bucket of salty water in a similar concentration I guess you could establish if it's just the salt that's causing the sensation.
I've been thinking to rub some wet salt on it but the idea scares me a bit.
Now that I'm of it, I used to use the body scrub (made with seasalt) from rituals before I made my own products and that wasn't a problem. Maybe it's the soap/salt combo that causes it?