Hi everyone, I am pretty new to the soapmaking world but have a few dozen successful batches under my belt.
I am wondering a few things about rebatching. Mainly, making my own simple base soap with no scents or colors and then just adding them during rebatching. I see most people use rebatching for fixing errors with a batch, but I am thinking more along the lines of customizing or adding to the overall quality through rebatching.
1. Is there any benefit to overall scent strength and longevity by adding all essential oils to a batch during a rebatching process vs during the CP saponification part? From what I have learned so far, many essential oils are changed or degraded during the saponification stage and I was wondering if leaving them out until the soaping process is complete and then adding them in during a rebatch would help them smell stronger and last longer?
2. Does anyone use rebatching to add in specialty oils so they don't get eaten up during saponification? I was thinking of making a low superfat base batch, (like 1-2% superfat) and then adding in luxury additives like Vit E oil, Neem oil, Shea, Jojoba, or others. I know that adding a smaller amount (less than 5-10%) of these oils before saponification doesn't change the overall finished product much, but I was thinking that being able to add them after the soaping process is complete may be more beneficial.
I know this would add another whole step to the process but if it adds even a small benefit to the end product I think it would be worth it.
Has anyone experimented with rebatching for these specific reasons and have any insights to share before I start experimenting?
I am wondering a few things about rebatching. Mainly, making my own simple base soap with no scents or colors and then just adding them during rebatching. I see most people use rebatching for fixing errors with a batch, but I am thinking more along the lines of customizing or adding to the overall quality through rebatching.
1. Is there any benefit to overall scent strength and longevity by adding all essential oils to a batch during a rebatching process vs during the CP saponification part? From what I have learned so far, many essential oils are changed or degraded during the saponification stage and I was wondering if leaving them out until the soaping process is complete and then adding them in during a rebatch would help them smell stronger and last longer?
2. Does anyone use rebatching to add in specialty oils so they don't get eaten up during saponification? I was thinking of making a low superfat base batch, (like 1-2% superfat) and then adding in luxury additives like Vit E oil, Neem oil, Shea, Jojoba, or others. I know that adding a smaller amount (less than 5-10%) of these oils before saponification doesn't change the overall finished product much, but I was thinking that being able to add them after the soaping process is complete may be more beneficial.
I know this would add another whole step to the process but if it adds even a small benefit to the end product I think it would be worth it.
Has anyone experimented with rebatching for these specific reasons and have any insights to share before I start experimenting?