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I'm really happy about my last batch
58.14% lard
19.38% olive
6.98% coconut
7.75% castor
7.75% palm

this was an hp batch, purposely made to be low cleansing and high conditioning. I added, 2 oz of shea, oatmeal and one oz gylcerin after cook and scented it with orange berry (daystar) and a lil orange and grapefruit eo

I also added 3tsp sugar to lye water

Not going to soap for a lil while (no mor scents) but I'm doing a flea market and about to set up in the boutique with

cherry almond, sea breeze, geranuium grapefruit, and chocolate almost veggie bar

I'll let ya know how I do
ChrissyB said:
What is in your "chocolate almost veggie bar".

I started out trying to make an all veggie bar but added some too soft rebatch that was 50% lard, so 10% of my all veggie bar is animal fat
dagmar88 said:
:D Go for it, wish you luck and loads of sales. Interested in the almost veggie bar too...

Thank you, I'm excited. The chocolate almost veggie, has alot of shea, unrefined palm and and semi sweet chocolate, lather was white, good and I loved it in the shower.
Thank you for the support. It's going to rain this weekend so I may not do the flea market, so I'm headed out the door to the boutique with a dozen bars for $31.20 if he wants to try them wholesale, or he can pay me $3.50 for each bar sold at the end of the week.

I know this might sound primative but this is so fun and exciting and a great diversion from all the aches and pains of my life :lol:

You said there is semi-sweet chocolate in your bar. Is this considered one of the oils (for the oils that are in it), is it an FO or what? I hadn't thought about it, but can you put chocolate in your soap? I know some use cocoa powder, but don't figure that lends much chocolatey scent.
Jarvan, yes you can put chocolate in your soap. Dark chocolate, or a really high quality coverture chocolate is best, but semi'sweet will work also. Basically you want it to have a high % of cocoa, whereas "normal" chocolate that we buy has a little bit of cocoa, but lots of milk products, and sugars. I'm not sure if the scent would come through, might help to use some cocoa butter in your formulation as well, but the colour definitely will. Which is why some just use straight cocoa powder, because that (for the most part, if you choose a good quality one) is all that it is.
How then does one decide how much chocolate is enough versus too much and do I use it in place of a hard oil? I love the learning in this forum!
jarvan said:

You said there is semi-sweet chocolate in your bar. Is this considered one of the oils (for the oils that are in it), is it an FO or what? I hadn't thought about it, but can you put chocolate in your soap? I know some use cocoa powder, but don't figure that lends much chocolatey scent.

I added the chocolate after cook in hp, I did not count it as an oil. When I washed with it you could smell the faint scent of chocolate. It lathers great!
jarvan said:
How then does one decide how much chocolate is enough versus too much and do I use it in place of a hard oil? I love the learning in this forum!

I only used a one oz square but I don't think it can be used as an actual soaping oil
Did you use something like a tsp or tbsp PPO? Just don't know how much would be too much and have the oils from the chocolate interfere with the recipe. I do not do HP (yet...too much of a newbie). I do CP, and have done CPOP.
No, you don't use it in place of an oil. Just count it as an "extra additive".
What I would do, if using actual chocolate, melt it, then mix with some of the soap batter at trace, then mix that in with the main batch. If that doesnt give the colour you want, then repeat. That way you'll ensure it's all mixed in evenly. Same process if you are just using cocoa powder. Make sure it's mixed well into the first little bit in a separate bowl, then add it to the rest of the batch.
I just washed with my last recipe, EXCELLENT! If I must say so myself :lol:

I made this specifically for a girl with two children and a husband with severe ecxema. I can't wait to hear from her.

I just ordered a gallon of coconut oil and I think i will keep all my recipes at the same percentage of coconut (which is the cleansing oil) I'll really know when the humidity hits Philly if I need to change my formula. No soaping this weekend but I have some nutmeg essential oil coming, a new lb of shea and titanium dioxide. I want to try a white bar with a chocolate swirl in hp and maybe even cp.

Might have to order some new fo's to mix with the nutmg