question about olive oil in cp

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Active Member
Jun 8, 2014
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Why is olive oil used? What is the minimum that I should use in cp soaps? Is there any substitute for it?
Minimum is 0 (zero) maximum is 100% and anywhere in between is fine, just a matter of preference.

The closest sub for olive in CP is rice bran oil (RBO).

eta: Sorry, olive is used because it is very conditioning in soap, but there are other ways to get conditioning soap too.
olive is not a must. you can basically replace it with any soft oil you like. plenty to choose from: rbo, avocado, sweet almond, sunflower, safflower, even canola is pretty good too.
I've read that a good substitute is canola oil. Not sure if that's true because haven't researched it much. I have used canola, though, in small amounts (~5%) in the past and it seemed fine. Maybe the bar was a little softer but you can probably add some coconut, palm, or cocoa butter to counter that.
Compare the monounsaturated fat and the polyunsaturated fat on the nutrition label. Whichever is higher is the key.

A high oleic oil will have more monounsaturated fat. A "normal" oil will have more polyunsaturated fat.

Speaking from memory, I seem to recall HO safflower/sunflower was something like 70-80% mono. The normal safflower/sunflower was about 70-80% poly.
I've read that a good substitute is canola oil. Not sure if that's true because haven't researched it much. I have used canola, though, in small amounts (~5%) in the past and it seemed fine. Maybe the bar was a little softer but you can probably add some coconut, palm, or cocoa butter to counter that.

i happen to like canola and use it often. it's a slow tracing oil and good for swirling. it's also quite conditioning me thinks. a few months back, i accidentally poured too much canola in a recipe (long story, i thought it was palm oil), so that batch ended up with double canola (almost 40%). this was around 3 months ago, no DOS till now. actually, canola has yet to give me DOS, but soybean did.
If you are making 100% OO soap, and want to sub something for all the OO, I don't think that will work. i.e. I don't think you can make 100% canola soap and have it turn out nice, but 100% OO should.
i happen to like canola and use it often. it's a slow tracing oil and good for swirling. it's also quite conditioning me thinks. a few months back, i accidentally poured too much canola in a recipe (long story, i thought it was palm oil), so that batch ended up with double canola (almost 40%). this was around 3 months ago, no DOS till now. actually, canola has yet to give me DOS, but soybean did.

What is DOS? I am pretty new so I don't know that term.

I used canola without issues, but 4oz in a 40oz batch. I used 16oz of Crisco once, and it produced the bar that my friends and family rave about most. Part of that was the color and scent, though...i nailed both on that bar. But the crisco was just fine. I think crisco is soybean oil usually...

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