Prayers for Autumn please

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Thankyou everyone. Thank goodness her concussion seems to be mild thanks to her helmet. She needs surgery and probably pins to get her wrist back together. Her thumb is broken and cutting off blood flow so surgery is necessary to save her arm. We know what all this means $$$.

Poor baby her 4 Wheeler might be totaled which is practically an extension of her. I think my oldest, her aunt, is going to give her her 4 Wheeler. Her horse, chicken, and 4 Wheeler are basically her life.

I am pretty weary of this black cloud we seem to be living under. 😭😭
It was 104º out there yesterday when people just drove past her. What is wrong with people? This was not a freeway, but a 45 mph highway where most travel 40 mph and you can make U Turns. I guarantee someone saw her on the side of the road. Tell me all about, "Small Towns".
Thankyou everyone. Thank goodness her concussion seems to be mild thanks to her helmet. She needs surgery and probably pins to get her wrist back together. Her thumb is broken and cutting off blood flow so surgery is necessary to save her arm. We know what all this means $$$.

Poor baby her 4 Wheeler might be totaled which is practically an extension of her. I think my oldest, her aunt, is going to give her her 4 Wheeler. Her horse, chicken, and 4 Wheeler are basically her life.

I am pretty weary of this black cloud we seem to be living under. 😭😭
I'm so sorry to hear of your granddaughter's accident. I'm hoping her surgeries and recovery go well. If she's eager to get back on her 4-wheeler, that's good news!!!
Makes me hurt looking at these yet she says it is not so bad. She is a tough cookie.