Melting a 35lb pail of Palm Oil and turning my kitchen floor into a Slip & Slide. Started with the idea of just melting a large pan of the oil and pouring it into the bucket, but soon discovered that that wasn't going to work so I got out a second pan and filled it up. Thought about getting out my BIG soup pot and my pressure cooker, but I didn't want to have to wash them up too. So put the bucket in the sink and filled it with hot water (my water is really hot) then took the heavy gauge steel fork I use to pick up the turkey and large hams and broke up the bottom half. Then filled up both of my soaping 'dish pans'...spilling several ounces of oil in the process. Cleaned up the mess, cleaned up the bucket and then ran another sink full of hot water, poured the melted oil in and emptied the dish pans into the pots. Waiting for the last pot, and then when the temp of the oil drops to 100F, I'm then doing to divide the oil into three containers and freezer bags.
Anybody have a recommendation for a no-stir sustainable palm oil. And man, palm oil really dries my skin out!