Phytoceramides in Face Wash Formula

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Dec 19, 2020
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I was lazy one day and after lathering my hair using my shampoo bar, I also washed my face and the rest of my body with it also. My face LOVED it. Now I am trying to formulate a face wash bar for mature skin using the basic shampoo recipe. I am adding niacinamide powder, hyaluronic acid stock (ala Humblebee&Me) and phytoceramides.

I bought phytoceramide capsules since I'm just in the testing phase. With a usage rate of 3-5%, that is a whole lot of capsules! My recipe calls for 12g at 3% and I emptied 8 capsules just to get 3g.

So obviously I should have bought a different ceramide product, but I'm wondering if I can still use the capsules by making it into a stock like the hyaluronic acid?

I'm in uncharted territory here and could really use some advice.
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I was also thinking that you might want to keep using the plain shampoo bar on your face to see if perhaps it is just the basic syndets that your skin loves.

Then as Misschief suggested, save all those lovely ingredients for a nice face lotion, serum, etc. 😊