Palo santo (powdered) in soap

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LOL I like your spirit!!! "ompa lompa" -- funny!

Here's another thought... out of pure curiosity I did a bit of research on how Palo Santo essential oil is made. It is extracted by the process of steam distillation. There's lots of info on line, on YouTube, for making a homemade still. I was looking for one in particular... ages ago, a soaper used two tea kettles -- one on the range top and one on the floor with a plastic tube running from one spout to the other. Didn't find that contraption on line, but it might be worth looking into a homemade still???

I've never distilled essential oils but I do have a water distiller -- takes about 6 hours after I plug it in to get a gallon of distilled water. Just an FYI, for what it's worth.
LOL I like your spirit!!! "ompa lompa" -- funny!

Here's another thought... out of pure curiosity I did a bit of research on how Palo Santo essential oil is made. It is extracted by the process of steam distillation. There's lots of info on line, on YouTube, for making a homemade still. I was looking for one in particular... ages ago, a soaper used two tea kettles -- one on the range top and one on the floor with a plastic tube running from one spout to the other. Didn't find that contraption on line, but it might be worth looking into a homemade still???

I've never distilled essential oils but I do have a water distiller -- takes about 6 hours after I plug it in to get a gallon of distilled water. Just an FYI, for what it's worth.
That's a idea. Think I'll see if the hubby will build me one and by build I mean diy the heck out of something that can be made into a distiller. He is good at that one of the reasons why I married him... Well that and he is a carpenter by trade so will make me my soap molds to lol.
Yes, not only does straining give you a smoother color with no (or only a few) specks, it also decreases the scratchiness.

Some folks are more sensitive to the scratchiness than others. My skin doesn't tolerate scratchiness in soap for the most part. I can use them on my hands and feet, but any scratchy ingredients are too uncomfortable for the rest of my body.
Just started to fall alseep (it's 2:30am here) and thought about infusing slowly lots of sage,Palo Santo and sandalwood in olive oil over a few weeks instead of trying to basically cook the stuff on low. Read in a soap book someone did it and it imparted a slight scent to their soap and it lasted just long enough to use the soap up.
But I'm gonna buy the Palo Santo resin so thanks for telling me about it I love the stuff.

My skin is sensitive ( mostly store bought soaps and such) but for the most part it handles rough scratchy stuff pretty well must be from growning up in the mountains and exploring the woods. Yes poison ivy and the lot sucks