Welcome Rachyroo.
The first thing that screams no is the 16.9% castor, you want to keep it in the 5% range. Castor oil does not give bubbly lather it helps supports lather. Second the Coconut percentage is high for most but not all and many do not go over 20%, but that is one you have to try to see how your skin accepts the higher percentages. CO is a cleansing oil along with it being a bubbly oil, which will strip the natural skin oils. Third, you really need some palm, lard or tallow to help with longevity of your soap, even with the shea your soap is going to go away pretty quick, since it is on the high end of solubility. If you can I would add in some lard, tallow or palm. You could up the olive oil, but, this is my opinion, if you go over 40% you will need a longer cure time. While butters are great in soap and will add in longevity, without a very long cure, they tend to cut lather.
This is what I would do with your oils above, but adding in tallow, lard or palm
25% lard/tallow/palm
30% OO
20% CO
Shea Butter 10%
Rapeseed Oil 10%
Castor 5%
I would also recommend making a 1 lb test batch, since most never make a fantastic the first time around. It takes a lot of time and testing to come up with the "perfect bar".
Oops Brewer George beat me ...