Oily Rebatching Problem

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2015
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Hey Wise Soapers,

I made two batches of soap last week, one set up well and the other didn't. Snow witch stayed very soft so I decided to rebatch in the crockpot. Ive only rebatched once and is was because the soap was ugly.

I chopped up the soft soft soap and added 1 oz of water to the pot. Its now melted down but no matter how much I stir or even stick blend there is a layer of oil sitting on the top. Is this normal? It's been cooking for 1 1/2 hrs on low.

With the oil being on top I think that I messed up my oil measurements but I also don't have a lot of experience rebatching. Thoughts?

Soap recipe used:
olive oil 36%
Palm oil 30%
Coconut 15%
Castor 8%
Shea butter 6%
Avocado 5%
I added 4 tsp of sodium lactate to my lye water.

I know my oils tend to be on the lighter side but I was able to unmold the other soap within 24hrs.

Ive attached what the soap looks like at the moment and the other soap I made using the same recipe last week.

Thanks for any feedback, rebatching has made be feel like a brand spanking new soaper :crazy::crazy::crazy:



I'm wondering if you might have miscalculated the lye on the second soap, or maybe had your scale go out on you?

Hmmm I hadnt thought of that. I measured out both batches at the same time, and prepped the lye water for both ahead of time. It's definitely possible. I will change out the batteries in my scale to be sure.

Your green soap is gorgeous.

I have made a lot of HP soaps. Never have I seen that? Very strange.
Hmmm I hadnt thought of that. I measured out both batches at the same time, and prepped the lye water for both ahead of time. It's definitely possible. I will change out the batteries in my scale to be sure.


Do you have any information on how the fragrance oil has performed for other people? Its also possible that the fragrance oil is only usable for melt n pour or candles or something because it just does this.
I've used Snow Witch often - never a problem with that one.

I'm no help with the rebatching question - I don't do it. But your soap is beautiful.
You used 4 tsp of sodium lactate, but what are the weights of the oils, water, and NaOH? You only gave percentages for the fats -- I'm afraid that's not enough info to troubleshoot properly. Thanks!

Also, you could use some cheesecloth or other type of open weave fabric to separate the liquid from the soap curds -- then you could see if the liquid is all fat or part fat and part water.
Your green soap is gorgeous.

I have made a lot of HP soaps. Never have I seen that? Very strange.
Unfortunately I have seen this, but really have no answer other than mis-weighing the lye. During my last recent long soaping day, batch #8 failed at 2 am after pouring 7 from the same batch of lye solution, batch 8 did not set up. The next morning I rebatched and had the same separation, :headbanging: I know for a fact that I did not mix up my lye solutions, but wonder if I did not tare my scale, I was pretty tired by then. It was apparent I must have shorted the lye, so I mixed in more 50/50 solution until it came together, then I managed to get it zappy so added in more oil :). I whipped it into a floating soap and it is curing quite nicely and lathers good. I just cannot dump batter without trying to fix it. LOL, my hubby kept asking when I was going to give up :)
You used 4 tsp of sodium lactate, but what are the weights of the oils, water, and NaOH? You only gave percentages for the fats -- I'm afraid that's not enough info to troubleshoot properly. Thanks!

Also, you could use some cheesecloth or other type of open weave fabric to separate the liquid from the soap curds -- then you could see if the liquid is all fat or part fat and part water.

Thanks for the suggestions. I will attach the proper recipe below. It was a 4lb batch, was meant to be a part of some Christmas baskets.
I separated the liquid using a cheesecloth and it looks like curds and whey... so weird.

Screen Shot 2017-09-30 at 10.51.03 AM.png
Thanks for sharing the recipe info. I don't see any glaring trouble there. I'm with Carolyn and DragonGirl -- it looks like a mis-measure. Either too little NaOH or too much fat.