Oakmoss Blues

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Oct 24, 2016
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North Idaho
I have searched and searched but was unable to find anything that addressed problems with combining jojoba and oakmoss.

I ordered oakmoss absolute and Jojoba oil to assist with getting my EO's to stick. This morning, I followed Zany's instructions, below, to incorporate oakmoss into the jojoba oil.
TIP: Oakmoss Absolute is pricey, and tricky to work with so I dilute it in jojoba oil (long shelf life) to make it user-friendly and easy to measure.

First warm the absolute by setting the bottle in a glass of hot water until it swirls easily. I warm the jojoba in the microwave in a 2-cup Pyrex to about 100°F (38°C). To create a 10% dilution, I add 1 oz. Oakmoss to 9 oz. jojoba and gently stir for one full minute to get it completely incorporated.

Allow to cool before pouring into an dark colored glass bottle. I store it with the rest of my supplies in a box on a shelf in my soaping cabinet.

Use 0.7% (1/4 - 1/2 tsp. PPO)

Oakmoss is a wonderful blender and fixative to anchor EO blends. I haven't checked in a while, but you may find it in the 10% diluted form. Not sure. You can also try an FO if you find it. I've never used FO, so I can't say if that will work or not.
The oakmoss is still very resin like and did not want to mix with jojoba at all. I tried gently stirring, then adding more jojoba, so I now have a 5% mixture of oakmoss. Neither of those worked so I pulled out my mini mixer and tried that. It also didn't work. The oakmoss wanted to clump together. I hadn't been checking my oil temps, when I did, it was at about 180 so it definitely wasn't too cool. I ended up pouring it into a bottle to cool and dumping the clumps of resin in the bottle. Hoping the jojoba will pick up enough of the oakmoss properties to help with retaining fragrance.

The oakmoss and jojoba are from Mountain Rose Herbs. When I was cleaning up, the oakmoss resin was sticking to my Pyrex measuring cup so much I thought it may be ruined. When I used a paper towel dampened with rubbing alcohol it came right off. Has this been others experience or did I get a weird batch?

Any ideas on what i should have done differently?
As you found out, oakmoss absolute is soluble in alcohol, but is sometimes difficult to use with oil. Here is some advice from Eden Botanicals.Oakmoss Absolute.
Thank you! That link is super helpful.
I dissolve my Oakmoss absolute in Lavender Essential oil, and then add that to my EO blends. No jojoba needed. I find the Oakmoss overpowers the lavender. I have done 50/50 Oakmoss and Lavender. I like this blend in soap by itself as well.
Thank you! I may do this next time.
I just asked Google how to combine jojoba and oakmoss a la Zany and this popped up!

I'll be putting this to good use (10% oakmoss in my lavender essential oil to "stick")!
Gently warmed the oakmoss and lavender, then ran the lavender through the oakmoss until it all melted. Ended up with about 5ml of oakmoss with 45ml of lavender (Bulgarian) (Samsung induction range)
I used to mix my Oakmoss with Lemongrass, or May Chang. Since Jojoba is essentially a wax I never thought Zany's method would work. I may have depended on her brand of Oakmoss, my Oakmoss was very resinous, although one time I purchased one brand that was more liquid. I never thought the thinner one was pure.
Hopefully everyone is following the safety limits for Oakmoss. From Eden Botanicals (note the placement of that decimal point):

Safety Considerations
  • Possible skin sensitization, therefore a maximum dermal use level of 0.1% is recommended; avoid use on sensitive, diseased or damaged skin and on children less than 2 years old.[4]
  • Dilute before using.
  • A patch test should be performed before use for those with sensitive skin.
  • Store in a cool, dark place away from heat and light.
Hopefully everyone is following the safety limits for Oakmoss. From Eden Botanicals (note the placement of that decimal point):

Safety Considerations
  • Possible skin sensitization, therefore a maximum dermal use level of 0.1% is recommended; avoid use on sensitive, diseased or damaged skin and on children less than 2 years old.[4]
  • Dilute before using.
  • A patch test should be performed before use for those with sensitive skin.
  • Store in a cool, dark place away from heat and light.
I am. I ended up with 2oz of lavender/oakmoss mix that's 5ml of oakmoss max. I'm sure some was lost in transfer. And adding 1tsp of the mix per kilo of fat in the soap is a little less than .1% oakmoss.

I need some peanut M&M's now...
Hopefully everyone is following the safety limits for Oakmoss. From Eden Botanicals (note the placement of that decimal point):

Safety Considerations
  • Possible skin sensitization, therefore a maximum dermal use level of 0.1% is recommended; avoid use on sensitive, diseased or damaged skin and on children less than 2 years old.[4]
  • Dilute before using.
  • A patch test should be performed before use for those with sensitive skin.
  • Store in a cool, dark place away from heat and light.
Thanks for posting this! I've posted the link to the aromaweb warning a handful of times and I feel like everyone has ignored it.