Newbie here! I think I might have a problem...

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I just got a new stickblender that has a bottom like in this picture (instead of flat) and it works MUCH better than my flat on the bottom one. Plus I like that its metal:

Oh and Extreme - I've only really been to Chile in South America, but I do believe that castor oil is pretty common in chemists / pharmacies almost everywhere except Asia :)
Thanks, buddy! (navigator)

I was being careful with the air just like you said, but this SB, besides the lack of holes, was actually injecting air into the batter. Since it is hollow, the thrust would actually suction some air from the hollow interior of the shaft. I could notice that no matter what I did to get the air out, it would always make some bubbles.

I hope my mom's still have her old one, the tip was very very exposed and wasn't hollow.

seawolfe, the one you posted is exactly what I want. holes at the bottom and not hollow
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seawolfe, the one you posted is exactly what I want. holes at the bottom and not hollow

Im excited that I found one of those Cuisinart stick blenders for only $10. Our old one not only is flat on the bottom, and sucks air like yours, but my husband doesn't always clean it properly after he uses it and my last batch of liquid soap had the addition of black beans and I was VERY unhappy :twisted:
My new one is a girly shade of lavender and he has been told not to even LOOK at it!
Yes! I just talked to my mom and she still has the old one!
I'll show you guys this relic later.

MAYBE.... just MAYBE... I'll soap again tonight... hehe
Guys, is this palm oil?

I think this is the closest I can get :(

Ummm, maybe shoot a picture of the ingredients. haha I can't tell from the bottle.

I'm thinking they have to sell vegetable shortening in South America. I'm home goofing off today, I'll see what I can find online.

Or you could take the lard junkies way out. :) I'm not a unbiased opinion, but I never use lard anymore. (And no I'm not a vegetarian. I believe the old Rooney line about Vegetarian. It comes from a ancient American Indian word, that roughly translates into "lousy hunter".
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Look for this brand of Vegetable Shortening, Clover and Blanquita. Says they grown their own palm trees and produce the palm shortening themselves.
Heheh there is nothing conclusive on the label and it's in Portuguese. When searching online, Palm oil is associated with this "azeite de dendê".

I believe it is red palm or something like that. Is it possible to use it?
Obsidian I love your obsession with lard, and I swear I'll give it a try. It just feels... Wrong. Heeehee
But my grandmother always said that the best soap is made out of animal fat.
Heheh there is nothing conclusive on the label and it's in Portuguese. When searching online, Palm oil is associated with this "azeite de dendê".

I believe it is red palm or something like that. Is it possible to use it?
Obsidian I love your obsession with lard, and I swear I'll give it a try. It just feels... Wrong. Heeehee
But my grandmother always said that the best soap is made out of animal fat.

Yes you can use it in soap. It's a great oil for vitamins and anti oxidants. Long shelf life. And will instill the properties of Palm Oil.

Only thing is, like mentioned, it will color your soap a yellow to orange, depending on how much you use.
Guys, check this out...
Look the color on that thing. That is so old.
I'll try to rebatch my last soap, tomorrow I shall use this relic and my red palm oil


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haha, that's great. About 3 years older and it probably would have been run on steam power. :cool:

If it works though, I bet it holds up well. I found a stick blender in the cupboard about six months ago that has to be at least 15 years old. Forgot I had it. Pulled it out and have been using it ever since. Works like a champ.
Look for a stick blender that has holes on the bell at the bottom. This helps to release air that gets trapped there, and then mixed into the soap batter. Also, when you insert it into the batter, do it at an angle, to help release air. One more tip about mixing that has worked for me. I'm guessing you're using a spatula to scrape the batter into the mold, so try this. After you remove the stick blender from the batter, take the spatula and stir and scrape the sides and bottom of the container or pot, and then stir again before you pour. I've come to believe that stick blenders don't do as thorough a job of mixing as we think. I think other factors may be involved too, the size of the batch, the shape of the container, how much you move the stick blender around. I used to get some batches that had an uneven, mottled look, and now that I do this, it doesn't happen any more. Good luck to you!

That's my observation as well, at least with the stick blenders I've used and doesn't matter
if it's soap or food recipes. The sb is effective in a concentrated area and I've found it helpful to sb for 20 seconds or so, stir by hand for a few seconds, then repeat. I haven't noticed an issue with the shape of my bowl, although I do like as large a bowl as possible simply to contain any splatters. My current sb is too powerful, believe it or not.

To extreme_soaping.... Don't give up! You'll get this conquered soon!

And red palm is wonderful stuff for baking and soaping. The color it gives soap is wonderful!
The common oils around here are:
- soy
- sunflower
- canola
- corn
- olive
- coconut

Basically, that's it. I can get my hands on some red palm, this one is pretty cheap. I saw some sesame oil, but it was very expensive. I would only buy if you guys said I REALLY should...

Should I use red palm like normal palm? Like 40% of the recipe?
Looking at the orange bottle of colorant you had, I'm going to take a guess and say you wouldn't mind a orange soap. :) The more you use that closer to an orange it will be. Some people like soy oil in their soap as well. Didn't you say you could find castor oil?

Might try something like a
Castor 5%
CO 20%
Red Palm 25%
Olive 30%
Soy 20%

Super fat it at between 6 and 8
If you use 40% red palm, don't be surprised to have orange lather. The color does fade in time. Most I've used is 5% and that gave me a nice sunny yellow color but after 6 months or so, its nearly faded to ivory.
Lard, lard, and lard:p I have very senstive skin and soap with addition of lard gives me this smooth skin feeling and is not drying. I know that soap is not moisturizing, but it feels like that with lard. I use mix of tallow and lard (tallow on market $5 for ten pounds :) ) I use castor and some coconut oil not to much, not to agreviate my dry and sensitive skin......Lard!!!