New to liquid soap

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...I keep seeing the "No or 2% SF rule" And it's not true either. LS can be superfatted, I've done that as well-With excellent results....
I've notebooks dedicated to LS experiments....

The OP in this thread has asked us for help about a cottage-cheese-like white layer on the top of their LS. The OP needs specific advice, so why not actually share some of your extensive knowledge about LS to help the OP troubleshoot their problem and achieve the same excellent results as you?
I agree.

Ya gotta start somewhere! :D
When I share a recipe, I add "Make a small batch just like it says and then tweak to your heart's content." Actually, I don't even need to say that... soapers tend to do that without any encouragement from me or anyone else! ;)

I am forever grateful for the excellent mentors I had when first starting out. They encouraged me to do my own thing and I did! I tend to think of "rules" as "guidelines"

I was wondering about that. Was David Fisher's old site? He was always one of my go-to guys when I needed help on something new I was attempting.

He's one of the sources recommended in the Beginners Forum,
Beginners Learn to Soap Online
I took that formula in a million different directions 🤣while totally disregarding the advice from the forum I was a member of. That formula was a great stepping stone.
I graduated beyond it very quickly. It doesn't get much easier than that.

It would have been nice to have a mentor of sorts but it wasn't meant to be. I was a mentor to a few people and that was a nice experience. My first batch was 4lbs and I used a hand mixer. I was told not to do either and I managed to survive a decent batch of soap that floated! 🤣

Of course small batches are great for testing new ingredients. I just posted a paper baking pan that is an excellent mold for test batches or guests soaps. Rules and guidelines are not the same. And My point was, so much of what people share are their own rules or guidelines and not necessarily factual or relevant. But some new soapers will take it as the gospel because an experienced soaper said it was.

I've watched new soapers get lengthy drawn out explanations for very simple questions. Just give them the basics and 🤫🤣
The OP in this thread has asked us for help about a cottage-cheese-like white layer on the top of their LS. The OP needs specific advice, so why not actually share some of your extensive knowledge about LS to

The OP in this thread has asked us for help about a cottage-cheese-like white layer on the top of their LS. The OP needs specific advice, so why not actually share some of your extensive knowledge about LS to help the OP troubleshoot their problem and achieve the same excellent results If you're comfortable with YOUR response, that's all that matters.

The OP in this thread has asked us for help about a cottage-cheese-like white layer on the top of their LS. The OP needs specific advice, so why not actually share some of your extensive knowledge about LS to help the OP troubleshoot their problem and achieve the same excellent results as you?
Think about that just a bit more, and you'll have your answer. But here's a hint- I responded to the person I chose to respond to. I think you did the same. Just how it works out in these threads. 😏

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