New soaping tool idea!

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Inimitable ME

New Member
Dec 19, 2024
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Hi everyone! Wondering if anyone has invented a pour spot extender for our soaping needs? I’d like to make a design in a mold using the kiss pour technique or the like but the long pour spout pitchers we use don’t have a long enough spout to get close to the bottom of the mold for the better results with the pitcher being more than half full. Anyone have any Jerry-rig suggestions for me? Someone could make a mint inventing such a tool, or inventing that kind of pouring pitcher!
Hi everyone! Wondering if anyone has invented a pour spot extender for our soaping needs? I’d like to make a design in a mold using the kiss pour technique or the like but the long pour spout pitchers we use don’t have a long enough spout to get close to the bottom of the mold for the better results with the pitcher being more than half full. Anyone have any Jerry-rig suggestions for me? Someone could make a mint inventing such a tool, or inventing that kind of pouring pitcher!
I think I understand what you're asking here: I'm thinking if you went to the local hardware store, you could find a hard but not to thick plastic tubing. Cut it in half with a box cutter. (please don't cut yourself!) You will have 2 pieces for the 2 pitchers. I would have it long enough to be able to tape on the underside of the pitcher/pour spout area; And long enough to reach the bottom of your mold. * It's worth a try~
Hi everyone! Wondering if anyone has invented a pour spot extender for our soaping needs? I’d like to make a design in a mold using the kiss pour technique or the like but the long pour spout pitchers we use don’t have a long enough spout to get close to the bottom of the mold for the better results with the pitcher being more than half full. Anyone have any Jerry-rig suggestions for me? Someone could make a mint inventing such a tool, or inventing that kind of pouring pitcher!
Are you using a slab mold? That is the type of mold that is recommended for the kiss pour technique because the sides of the mold are shorter. If you don't have one you can use a box lined with freezer paper.

ETA: I think it was Teri from Tree Marie Soapworks that made a YouTube video using a makeshift spout extender. I don't have time to look for it, but it's something you could try to find.
@dibbles I remember seeing something like that, as well, although I can't remember who did it. My recollection was that they cut a piece of an inexpensive plastic kitchen cutting mat, and taped it to the short spout of their pitcher.

Of course, a lot of folks choose to use condiment bottles with homemade tip extenders, as well. Teri has a video on that here.
@AliOop condiment bottles work well for many techniques, but the OP mentioned wanting to try the kiss pour technique. Bottles don’t work for that because you need to keep the colors from mixing together before they ‘kiss’ as they are poured. Maybe if only using 2 colors it could work 🤔
AFUNTA 3/5 Cavity Split Cups for Paint Pouring, Reusable Silicone Split Cup for Acrylic Pouring with 3 PCS Silicone Stir Sticks I'm wondering if this would work for you they have different ones like this on Amazon for painting but I thought these would work great for kiss pouring they have some with 2 holes all the way up to like 5 holes or spots to put your soap. I have them on my list of things to get for soap making.