I've read this thread over and over for a year and made this recipe over and over since I first read it. First time I made the original version, it was good, but the feedback was that it didn't stay hydrated long enough. I upped the glycerin. I tried Dee Anna's 2 step version, and then with 80/20 KOH NaOh, then With clay, then without.. Got determined to make respectable pucks out of this stuff! So I think I've finally tweaked it to where I'm very happy with the results!
50% stearic
40% CO
10% Shea Butter
50/50 KOH/ NaOH
1 tsp bentonite
( made a 1# batch)
I melted the CO and Shea, added the lye, brought to thick trace then added the hot, melted, stearic. As soon as the stearic was combined well, I turned off the heat added 2oz glycerin, 1tsp SL and essential oils. Got it into a Pringles can easily as it was still very fluid from not cooking. I will now let it cure for 4 weeks as if it were a CP soap (even though it does not zap ::crazy:

stuck it in the freezer for a couple of hours and was able to make pucks, YAY!!
It lathers amazingly already!
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