My first drop swirl

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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2014
Reaction score
After watching a million YouTube videos on how to do a drop swirl, I attempted my very first. I can't wait to cut into it!

I tried to do something a little fancy on top too... Not sure that quite worked out. It looks so easy on YouTube... LOL
ImageUploadedBySoap Making1393270171.546725.jpg
ImageUploadedBySoap Making1393270200.886861.jpg
pretty!!! love the colours! yes, it's kind of irritating how easy people on youtube make swirls look! can't wait for cut pics!!!!!
what i love about drop swirls.... the surprise we get when we cut :D

cut pics please!
Drop swirls are my favourite. They're always so dramatic, :)

Edit: You can try using a thicker stick to swirl the top with. It helps move more of the batter forward and makes the swirl more pronounced.
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Drop swirls are my favourite. They're always so dramatic, :)

Edit: You can try using a thicker stick to swirl the top with. It helps move more of the batter forward and makes the swirl more pronounced.

Thanks for the tip, Tienne.

I'll be cutting it tonight. It still seemed a little tacky when I took it out of the cold room after work yesterday. Stay tuned! Trust me, I'm as anxious to see as all of you!

What are DDM and EDM??
Thanks for the tip, Tienne.

You're very welcome! :) Man oh man, I am not even going to try to pronounce your username, so I'm going to have to come up with a nickname for you. You can be Fst!... or Trembly. Take your pick. :razz:

DDM - Dreaded Drag Marks (Not to be confused with skid marks or skiddies)

EDM - Exquisite Drag Marks (Not to be confused with high heel imprints in the desert)

DERPINA!!!! WTF?!? You weren't supposed to tell newbies what that means right away!! You have to wait at least a week or two!! Geeeez, how else are the rest of us supposed to feel all superior, knowledgeable and in-the-know if you give away all the secrets all at once!! You be a BAD soaper, Derpina! BAD, BAD, BAD!! :evil:

*Ahem* Welcome to the forum, Fst!... (or Trembly.) :D
DERPINA!!!! WTF?!? You weren't supposed to tell newbies what that means right away!! You have to wait at least a week or two!! Geeeez, how else are the rest of us supposed to feel all superior, knowledgeable and in-the-know if you give away all the secrets all at once!! You be a BAD soaper, Derpina! BAD, BAD, BAD!! :evil:

*Goes to the naughty corner. Pulls out marker pens and scribbles soaper secret codes on walls. Gets codes all wrong. Forgets was sent to naughty corner and chases passing squirrel. Trips. Walks 3 times in a circle stopping 3 times to admire the same shrubbery but thinking it's a different one each time. Walks off in blissful oblivion picking nose*


Cut that soap yet?
I just tried to cut it, and frankly, it's like fresh playdoh... I think I'm going to have to wait for another 24 hours... :-x
I just tried to cut it, and frankly, it's like fresh playdoh... I think I'm going to have to wait for another 24 hours... :-x

NO!! No more waiting!! Uhm, I mean, why not post just a small pic so we can see what you mean by the playdoh-iness of it. Just a teensy little pic. We all really love playdoh. Then we'll quit badgering you, I'm sure. Right, guys? Right? (*wink, wink*) :)