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the love of my life is actually much neater, orderly and organized than i!

he hates clutter and believes god created bare countertops for a reason!

i'm the one always looking for something that he's put away.

he's always following me thru the house shutting off lights behind me and closing doors-even tho i'm going right back in there!

it ain't easy living with "mr. clean!" :roll:

his one and only fault is that he leaves the toilet seat up! :D
Love this thread!! A place to whine and vent about the.....husband. In his old age my hubs has become obsessive compulsive. The kitchen must be clean all the time (which is ok with me) but when my son and I are eating he is hovering like a bird waiting to snatch up our barely empty plate and glass for the awaiting dishwasher. This happens every night without fail. The irony of this story is that when he comes down for his 2-3 nightly pigouts in the kitchen (which I am convinced he is half asleep for) he leaves crumbs all over the counters and dirty dishes in the sink (which he promptly takes care of come morning).

Seriously ladies, are there ANY men out there who put the toilet seat down, cause I'd sure like to meet them and have them train my hubby and son! :D
Sibi said:
Seriously ladies, are there ANY men out there who put the toilet seat down, cause I'd sure like to meet them and have them train my hubby and son! :D

Sorry ..... mine does put the seat down. It started 4 years ago when we just caught DS about to throw the house keys down the toilet. :shock: It was good motivation! LOL!! :lol:
Actually, I'm pretty lucky. He does put the seat down and likes to cook and clean. Well, just the stuff you see; he's the kinda person were you walk into a home and everything looks so neat... untill you open a cupboard, closet or door :p
It's just that every person has their own quirky things. His is that he's a nagger; he likes to whine and gasp all the time :wink: Everyone around us say he wouldn't be happy if he wasn't able to do that!
mine does put the seat down but only starting 4 years ago when we got a kitten. I told him he better do it or the kitten might jump in and drown. He forgets every now and then tho.
My DH and I have been married for 26 years, so we have tended to work out most of our 'issues' together.....eventually :wink: I will say that the best thing I ever found out was about Love Languages. My DH's love language is Acts of Service.....and here was I thinking he just didn't feel I could do anything right! From his point of view he loves to help and is always doing some tinkery maintenance thing around the house (never need a handyman) and if I haven't got to something he will take over (grrrrrrrrr.....) and now I know to just let him do it :lol:

Tanya :)
Mine has issues with the counter having stuff on it... so he'll pile everything on the kitchen table that's about 4 ft. away... (sigh).
artisan soaps said:
So anyway, for the next six months I purposely left the seat up whenever I used that toilet! I also folded the toilet paper into a triangle like they do in fancy hotels/lodges just to make it even more confusing :lol:

LOL!!! That's great!

I always tidy up bathrooms... especially at restaurants. It's just a pet peeve to see stuff on the floor.
My DH taught me that toasters have trays in the bottom (that apparently need to be emptied). :oops: :oops: :oops:

You can guess who the neat one is there.


But he's also British, so his idea of a good meal is canned spaghetti on white bread toast. I use white vinegar to get the hard water deposits off on my tub. HE DIPS HIS FOOD IN IT. Perfectly good, edible food. :shock: He's not allowed to cook.
artisan soaps said:
So anyway, for the next six months I purposely left the seat up whenever I used that toilet! I also folded the toilet paper into a triangle like they do in fancy hotels/lodges just to make it even more confusing :lol:

Love it! must have been fun for you knowing your little secret! :D
It's encouraging to know that there are men out there who are corteous and put the seat gives me hope for my 2 boys at home!
Hubs, is pretty good I have to admit but another irritating thing is that he puts empty boxs, jars etc back, if he doesn't let me know they are finished, how do I know to get any more!? :lol:
artisan soaps said:
So anyway, for the next six months I purposely left the seat up whenever I used that toilet! I also folded the toilet paper into a triangle like they do in fancy hotels/lodges just to make it even more confusing :lol:

Brillant!! Just brilliant!!
My husband puts the seat down, always fills my car with gas when he drives it and keeps it clean for me, never gets himself anything from the kitchen without bringing me some too, runs like a crazy person to help me carry bags when I come home from the grocery, keeps our 3/4 acre yard neat as a pin, fixes everything that gets broken and is considerate in a million other ways. So if I have to keep a mental list running all the time of what we own and where it's located, I figure its a good trade.
wanna trade?

Mine also puts things back empty...drives me INSANE. Piles everything in the trash until it overflows....ugh
I reckon us blokes are so frustrating because our mothers let us get away with murder as we are growing up, my ratbag son's are testament to this. When they come to visit I spend the day after they leave putting my house back in order. My latest trick is to collect all the scraps of plastic, peanut shells and all the other debri they leave in their wake and put it under the sheets on their beds for them to discover late at night when they finally extract themselves from the computer and stagger to bed. Alas I think it is too late for me to turn them into good husband material. steve
I'm not sure that rings true. My husband used to clean. I think I spoiled him when we were first married when I wasn't working yet and he hasn't quite grasped it in the last 6 years that I can't do it all and be gone all day ;)
DH pulled out wires from the back of my pc trying to move his 'tv speakers. He moved out mine as well. My PC screen froze and so has my mouse. So I have to use this lap top. ounds lik it wont be fixed til Saturda when my son comes over.
I was 50 yo before I finally learned to put the seat down all the time, I even put it down in public toilets. All that nagging from the first DW must have paid off. No hope with my boys as the house they grew up in had an ensuite for their mum so she wasnt constantly on their case. I pity the next generation of young women as the young blokes today seem to be bone lazy, most men under 30 I work with spend more time and effort trying to figure out how to get out of doing something rather than just getting on with the job. :D