meanie soaper!!

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Set up a booth, give the community a real soapmaker. What a loser, I'm sure she had no idea what she was selling.
I encounter soapers like that a lot. I do not know why but there are loads of 'self righteous' people in this biz/hobby. For goodness sakes, it's only soap!

I had a lady do me that way, she was selling monster spray (room scent for kids). She was going on & on about it being gentle & safe enough your kids could drink it. I picked up a bottle & there were no ingredients. I asked what they were (since she was billing it as edible) & she flipped out much the same as your lady did. She told me it was all secret essential oils. I told her I was un aware of any edible essential oils & she went off the deep end.
:shock: :shock: :shock: have to be so careful what you say and to who......unbelievable. ppl can be soooo creepy......i'm so glad you didn't buy her soap....sounds like an episode from junior high school......
I encounter soapers like that a lot. I do not know why but there are loads of 'self righteous' people in this biz/hobby. For goodness sakes, it's only soap!

Tabitha, l am so hearing you on that one LOL :lol:
And yes, when it all boils down, it really is just a bar of soap.
OMG, what a reaction????? All I can say is, if she didn't know the answer to your question then it is must be MP!
Thankfully I have not run into anyone like that. I have sold at alot of craft shows and festivals this year. I make a point of looking up all other soapers who may be at these shows. They have all been just wonderful peaple to talk to. My last show, 250+ vendors, one other soaper besides myself. We were put right next to each other. We were different enough with what we carry but we had a great time talking at this show.

"Monster Spray" was probably herbal tea. LOL
Maybe I'll do some soap to keep monsters at bay!

Not every soap maker knows
what HP and CP means. I made soap for 16 years and never
heard of it until I joined here.
bconrade884 said:
People are unbelievable. I cant believe this person felt that threatened by you when you asked what process she used. I love to talk to people about how I make soap and bath products. I am sorry you had to deal with someone like that, unbelievable.

I would be too! None of my relatives or friends are even slightly interested in how I make the soap, but they sure love to use them! I even had a little soap making demo party with friends. It was more a way to get the girls together and hang out, and they watched, but I could tell it wasn't getting them interested in trying it for themselves.
Even when all I made were MP soaps (yes, base purchased from craft stores, not online), I still knew what MP was! Now, I didn't know what HP or CP was at the time, but I knew enough about what I was doing to know what that process was called! That lady was simply rude and seriously didn't deserve your business.

I still do some MP because it's something my kids can share in and help to make. I'd never let them near the CP or HP process until they're MUCH older.