Masterbatch lye/water

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Well-Known Member
May 1, 2020
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Does anyone here use a masterbatch for their lye/water?

I made one a week ago or so. Used it for the first time the day after making with no difficulties. 4 days later, I made another batch of soap and when I opened the masterbatch, it was thick and gloppy. I stirred it up quite a bit but it was still a bit gloppy when I measured it out. When adding the additional water to it, it seemed to liquefy fine so I went with it.

Is this normal or did I perhaps do something wrong? Thanks,
Thanks. I'm going to look at it again today and see what it's doing.
Was it in a tight container? Could be due to water evaporation, which would just make your solution a bit stronger than intended. Most people when they masterbatch, they weigh at time of making, and then when it's cooled down and sat for a while, weigh it again. If there has been evaporation, they just replace the amount of water/liquid lost to this.

Like I said though, it will not hurt the soap, but your solution might just be stronger than intended.
I made soap today and while the masterbatch was somewhat thick, it wasn't at all like it was (or what I thought it was) a week ago. I had no issues whatever. But I did add to it but I don't know exactly how much was left so hard for me to tell about evaporation.
Live & learn in the soap making journey... I've learned so much in the past 6 weeks, I honestly didn't think I had enough room in my brain for all this additional date! :p But I am taking copious notes since while there's room in 'there', it gets harder and harder to find it! Thanks you all!
The masterbatch needs to stay above about 65 F / 22 C or some of the NaOH will crystallize out. That's a mess to fix.

The solution will also get quite a bit thicker as it gets cooler as well, even if it's not cold enough to actually crystallize. There's nothing wrong with this thickening -- it's the same thing as happens if you put honey in the refrigerator.

Also, don't make a masterbatch with vinegar unless you use the mixture within a day. Carolyn (cmzaha) has tried this and reports the mixture will get very thick after a day or two of standing.
Only in the winter does it ever get that cold in here so I will have to remember that come fall! I never heard of using vinegar - I will stay away from that! Thank so much for all the tips!
Does anyone here use a masterbatch for their lye/water?

I made one a week ago or so. Used it for the first time the day after making with no difficulties. 4 days later, I made another batch of soap and when I opened the masterbatch, it was thick and gloppy. I stirred it up quite a bit but it was still a bit gloppy when I measured it out. When adding the additional water to it, it seemed to liquefy fine so I went with it.

Is this normal or did I perhaps do something wrong? Thanks,
I find the MB lye water gets very thick, almost like a sugar syrup consistency.

I find the MB lye water gets very thick, almost like a sugar syrup consistency.
Also, I just read DeeAnna’s post, my lye water doesn’t get very cold, I live in South Florida and live in almost constant AC but not very cool (about 80)..
The masterbatch needs to stay above about 65 F / 22 C or some of the NaOH will crystallize out. That's a mess to fix.
I'd love to make masterbatch lye but think after also reading DeeAnna's post it can only be a summer time thing where I live. Right now, being winter and living inland, the temperature in our house can drop to 5 C at night.... no central heating ! Other than leaving the aircon on all night every night, I can't think of a solution. Have thought of heat pad or coffee warmer but other issues there too....
Does anyone else have this problem.... or a solution?
Wow that's cold! We intentionally keep our place at abt 18c and I thought that was cold enough. I do have a masterbatch and I will have to give that some thought as that would be a marginal temp to try and keep it. Perhaps put it in a box with a blanket around it.
Lol... yes it sure is. Rellies from the coast can't believe how cold it can get inland at night...we usually have lovely sunny days though.
Hadn't thought of doing that with box & blanket....but DH says it would still be too cold...might work on the coast. Thanks anyway. Perhaps I'll just have to wait until summer. Are you Windsor NSW ?
Maybe a heating pad with it... it just may not be a possibility for you in winter. I am in Windsor, Ontario, Canada - a very long way from Oz!
I’ve accidentally master batched lye. (ie made it up, then something came up and didn’t make soap) and it was a tad thicker, but not gloppy. Did you use distilled water?

I’ve been following Lisa at I Dream In Soap on YouTube and I plan to try her master batching technique, Basically she just makes up xx size containers of lye solution and oils/butters (separately of course) and then makes whatever soap until she runs out or low and then makes more. As opposed to making up xx batches of soap. I like this idea as sometimes I just want to bake a cake instead of making a cake so I will grab a box mix I keep on hand instead of making from scratch.