This is my fourth batch after about a fifteen year break. I used Zany's no slime castille water as a starting point.
Olive oil (EVOO) 80%
Hemp oil 15%
Castor oil 5%
Total oil weight 1,000 g
0% super fat
Water:Lye 1.7:1 (230.3 g H2O, 135.4 g NaOH)
Spirulina 2 tsp, to make it more green.
Oil and Lye mixed at 110° F. It seemed to trace quickly. Bogged down my cheap stick blender.
I went with the Hemp oil and spirulina to keep that green hue I've seen in videos.
And now we wait. And shop for a better blender.
Almost an hour later and it's firm-ish. Hopefully it turns out well.
Olive oil (EVOO) 80%
Hemp oil 15%
Castor oil 5%
Total oil weight 1,000 g
0% super fat
Water:Lye 1.7:1 (230.3 g H2O, 135.4 g NaOH)
Spirulina 2 tsp, to make it more green.
Oil and Lye mixed at 110° F. It seemed to trace quickly. Bogged down my cheap stick blender.
I went with the Hemp oil and spirulina to keep that green hue I've seen in videos.
And now we wait. And shop for a better blender.
Almost an hour later and it's firm-ish. Hopefully it turns out well.