"Manly" Fragrence

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Mar 28, 2009
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I'm making a special batch to send to my husband in Iraq, and I don't want it to smell too girly LOL

I can think of a lot of EO combinations and FOs that smell "manly", but I really want to know some of the successful combinations you all have tried and loved for a man... :D thanks!
Vonna said:
Freaking LOVE it~ I found "The Epitomal Man Blend" LOL :lol: going to have to bookmark that little gem! thanks!
Bigmoose said:
Another suggestion would be to make some beer soap and send it to him!


haha Beer soap would be TOO much of a hit! I'd have to make enough for the whole battalion! Really though: this is a WONDERFUL idea and I think he would love it! thanks! :D
My BF is in Afganistan and after all the soap I've sent him over the past few months, surprisingly he liked the chocolate best with a dash of espresso.

Oakmoss FO is a good manly scent and Black tea mixed w/vanilla turned out nice.
My hubby actually really likes sweet pea! It's technically a floral, but it does smell sort of manly.

Also, "Artemis type" is another yummy manly scent. Smells like yummy cologne.
afiveo said:
I'm making a special batch to send to my husband in Iraq, and I don't want it to smell too girly LOL

I can think of a lot of EO combinations and FOs that smell "manly", but I really want to know some of the successful combinations you all have tried and loved for a man... :D thanks!

kentish rain by brambleberry, love it, very masculine. Also "curve" by ng, but it is very weak, need 1oz per lb.
It all sounds wonderful! I'm excited to experiment :!: Thank you all!

doxies: I think you have something there with the chocolate soap; it goes right along with the beer soap idea: anything that smells like something you can eat! plus it would be a great treat, he doesn't get sweets that often over there.

AshleyR: based on that, you made me realize that I don't think my husband necessarily hates smelling girly, but he would definitly hate it if any of "the guys" knew he liked it! LOL

Honor: "curve" my goodness, It just sounds like it smells sexy :wink: maybe I'll save that one for a "homecoming" batch! haha

Thank you all again!!
afiveo said:
AshleyR: based on that, you made me realize that I don't think my husband necessarily hates smelling girly, but he would definitly hate it if any of "the guys" knew he liked it! LOL!

It helps that I made "his" soap GREEN. LOL. Sweet pea flowers are actually purple/pink, but the soap would take on a WHOLEEEEE new scent if I made it in pink or purple for him! I bet he wouldn't use it! LOL
on the beer soap subject: I just found 3 bottles of blueberry lager in the back of my fridge! It's probably already flat, too! so excited :)
Is he a Marine or a soldier? Iraq is hell on your skin ... make sure it's a "moisturizing" bar .. between the sand, temp fluctuations, and lack of humidity ... yeah it's not pretty .. it's not like our guys care about their skin, but hey .. you can !!
Exactly, beachgurl! He's a soldier..he tells me it's actually really cold over there right now, and he has uber sensitive skin so it's probably dry and ichy. .:(
I'm obsessed with superfatting anyways, so it'll be great :)

www.soapsupplies.net has "eggnog" my husband is crazy over-the name is all wrong for it-it should be vanilla spice-AWESOME! discolors tan, smells like a cinnamon stick for about 3 weeks and then transforms to this great vanilla-allspice bar.

i also mix 3 parts leather and 1 part lavender for a "high country" scent.

she has really nice f/o's.

god bless our armed forces-freedom isn't free.

Afiveo: I'm definitely not an expert on scents (by the way, Vonna, that site you linked is awesome, thank you), but I am a man, and somewhat of an expert on missing your loved ones.
My advise: send him something that smells like home. You can get him the manliest of scents, and maybe he's gonna like it, but if you can find a scent that smells like your hair, he's gonna LOVE IT, and he's not gonna care at all what anybody says about it.
Re: x

heartsong said:
www.soapsupplies.net has "eggnog" my husband is crazy over-the name is all wrong for it-it should be vanilla spice-AWESOME! discolors tan, smells like a cinnamon stick for about 3 weeks and then transforms to this great vanilla-allspice bar.

i also mix 3 parts leather and 1 part lavender for a "high country" scent.

she has really nice f/o's.

god bless our armed forces-freedom isn't free.


Thanks for the inside track on the "eggnog"!:)
and thank you even more for your blessing <3