!!!!! Made my first batch!!!!

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Seriously, you should do the zap test. Its not that bad even if you do get zapped. The consensus is no ph strip is accurate enough to tell you. Especially if you only have a small area that looks bad. I check the outside and inside of my soaps by dampening my finger and touching it to my tongue, no need to lick entire bar. Conceivably one white dot on inside could test lye heavy and rest of bar test fine. Please keep friends and family (or consumers) SAFE! It protects the handmade soapers from government crackdown if we all practice safe soaping. JMO :D
Good to know ;) How do you know if it looks "bad"? Also, I pulled my soap out today and it's not like rock hard like I think soap is....? It's not mushy like it holds form and all I just didn't expect it to be so moist!!? Hope I'm not doing something wrong,......
Your soap will be fine, just have a little patience. Keep it in the mold a little longer. I know it's hard when you are sooo excited but it is better to wait than ruining your soap by taking it out too soon.

When I first stated soaping last year...I could not wait to get home to make more soap and unmold my previous day creations...