Lavander soap

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Yes, straight up Lavender always seems to be in demand, and those who LOVE it can tell between a lavender FO and the real thing. On a personal level, it's ok, but I'm not fond of it mixed with many other oils unless it's in the background. I tried a lavender/patchouli 50/50 blend (I LOVE patchouli), and IMO the lavender just ruined the patchouli! lol One blend I do like it 50/50 in though is with Frankincense. They pair well together in my nose. :)
What frankincense did/do you use? I only have boswellia serratta and it seems weird with lavender--nice with lime, havent tried cedar yet...also, lavandin doesnt go well with as many things as a regular lavender blend....its too distinctive..
I've been trying to make a licorice-lavender soap for a while now. I've made 3, really, one M&P and 2 CP, playing with the ratios. @true blue , you think lavender overpowers your patchouli, the licorice (anise) just decimates the lavender! I'm going to keep trying, but I have more licorice soaps than I know what to do with....
I don't like straight up lavender EO. So I blend 2 parts lavadin EO with 1 part lavender, french EO. I like that much better and its been well received in my lavender oat goatmilk soap.
I've been trying to make a licorice-lavender soap for a while now. I've made 3, really, one M&P and 2 CP, playing with the ratios. @true blue , you think lavender overpowers your patchouli, the licorice (anise) just decimates the lavender! I'm going to keep trying, but I have more licorice soaps than I know what to do with....

I made some anise/lavender that was very nice
I've been trying to make a licorice-lavender soap for a while now. I've made 3, really, one M&P and 2 CP, playing with the ratios. @true blue , you think lavender overpowers your patchouli, the licorice (anise) just decimates the lavender! I'm going to keep trying, but I have more licorice soaps than I know what to do with....
Try fennel??
Hi guys. I’ve found that Lavender and Rose oil blend amazingly well. And depending on which one you want to be the star of the soap you’re making you can just add more of one or the other. I also add (only) a hint of Rosemary and Juniper berry oil too. Rose oil is very pricey so I buy mine directly from Bulgaria. Cheers
I was just reading some posts in the business section that made me chuckle and kinda cringe at the same time. I think it was AMD that was talking about making soaps that you dont care for,
for a business :) . I am not a fan of lavender either but have gotten 3 requests for it at the markets I am at. I have made two mixed with other scents--one of course was anise and the other was tea tree which is another cringe worthy scent for me. but people sound like they want just lavender. how many of you guys use just lavender and how many mix with other scents? and what other scents do you use? what type of lavender do you use, do some hold their scent more than others? thanks in advance for any input!!

Bahahaha! Sorry this made me laugh and cry a little at the same time. I try to only do one lavender batch a year because I hate it so much. It's coming up in my restock making list and I'm dreading it. This year I'm actually doing 3 different soaps in lavender.
Lavender Sage FO (I think this is the one Lin19687 is referring to)
Lavender Martini FO (which I'm not going to mind making as much because it doesn't reek of lavender to me)
and then for my purists I am doing Lavender EO with chamomile tea.
Last year's lavender batch I mixed lavender EO and citronella EO, and my lavender fans really liked that. I put it in a honey soap, which didn't go over as well for them ("too soft, soap didn't last as long as it usually does" was the complaint). I wound up discounting it just to get it out of my house, lol.
I have also used Crafters Choice Lavender Chamomile EO/FO blend which holds really nice, but I'm not sure where WSP's price point is right now. I'm moving away from using their FO's where I can because it's become too expensive. I'm not in the business of making million dollar soap bars, heehee.
I'm moving away from using their FO's where I can because it's become too expensive. I'm not in the business of making million dollar soap bars, heehee.

it is expensive--makes it hard to buy since i don't like it--spending on something I like is so much more fun
:pFor me Lavender was always something my grandma use to put in all clothes drawers to chase out the moths. But a few years ago my interest in Lavender piqued when I tried this chocolate with lavender essence and also dried flowers from the plant. Anyways, I like Lavender blended with other herbs in soap. Just Lavender alone it seems a bit one-dimensional to me. The chocolate brand is « Dolfin - Lavender of Provence » dark chocolate. It’s just amazing.
I just made soap with lavender, geranium, patchouli.... A lil bit of lemon and cypress.. And a pinch of spearmit. These are all EOs. We like it. Kitchen smells awesome til now..

I bought a bottle of geranium eeeeeek testing it with spearmint and ylang ylang. haven't made soap yet but I think I like it--I had the neighbor come over to smell my baggies :) cuz its so hard when I really don't like a scent. she wasn't fond of the geranium by itself but liked it mixed
I like lavender. I make some straight lavender soap that my relatives and friends like. I've just done a batch of lavender/patchouli which seems promising. The one people seem to like the best is lavender/rosemary/peppermint (shamelessly stolen from a post of DeeAnna's). That one isn't too feminine or too masculine.

I have a bottle of Rose Garden fragrance (When I first started. my wife wanted rose scented soap.) that really hasn't worked well for anything. I never thought of trying it with lavender. I may try that now though.
I am in the same boat as most of you. Not a big fan of lavender because it is everywhere. I even had customers approach and ask "Where is your Lavender soap?". So here goes - I mixed Lavender and Frankincense 1:1 and it gave that missing background. Now even the most demanding customers who say "Don't care about lavender because everyone has it" are satisfied with the new scent.
Try fennel??
Oh it's more about not having a jittery hand when I pour, or remembering my ratios...I think I started a ratio of 2:1 lavender, as recommended, then upped it to 3:1, then meant to do 4:1 but spilled too much in :p

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