Is there an app like Soapcalc for body, face and hair creams and oils?

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You can download a free and simple one from the Humblebee and Me website. I believe there is another one on either Lotion Crafter’s website, or maybe Making Cosmetics? These are not apps per se, but calculators, usually in Excel format.

ETA: I just looked on Humblebee & Me, and I didn't find her free Excel calculator download. But I did find that she now sells a lotion formulator/calculator tool for $149. You can read about that here.
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You can download a free and simple one from the Humblebee and Me website. I believe there is another one on either Lotion Crafter’s website, or maybe Making Cosmetics? These are not apps per se, but calculators, usually in Excel format.

ETA: I just looked on Humblebee & Me, and I didn't find her free Excel calculator download. But I did find that she now sells a lotion formulator/calculator tool for $149. You can read about that here.
Ali, thank you!
No, I just wanted to know the recommendations/ratios for oils/butters/additives/preservatives without having to look each one up. I guess I'm lazy. I haven't used the great info that AliOop gave me but I will.
Oh i see.. yeah i started to keep a list of my ingredients in a spreadsheet with
- whether it should be added in oil / water / cooldown phase
- recommended usage %
- ph range in can handle
- short note about its properties

It was annoying to have to key them in but i only had to do it once. I mainly relied on Lotioncrafter and Humblebee's encyclopedia for the info.