In the land of expensive things

Soapmaking Forum

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Recently in the soap forum, we discussed some soaps which my grandmother would’ve called “rather dear”. Attached please find link to a “rather dear” candle. Just for fun.

D&G candle
I really like the colors! You know, there are people that buy high flootin' brands such as D&G! Just looking at the website I found a gorgeous denim jacket for only 1,500.00. Oh and the shoes were nice too. I'm a simple gal and would never in my life spend that kind of money on expensive brands like that. Kudos to those who can.
@MelissaG H-E-doublehockeysticks 🤣

@artemis My son went through a beanie phase in middle school. I laughed picturing him in a $175 beanie! I don’t think I ever paid more than $20 for one of them! Wowowowow

I do like to spend money, that’s a fact! And I like some expensive things. But there are limits. I don’t live on Park Avenue! 🤣 Anyway it is interesting and fun to look at.
Thanks to an ad on insta, I fell down a Bloomingdale's rabbit hole, looking at their Wicked themed merch. Here's your new Elphaba inspired beanie, just in time for winter:

Bloomingdale's Beanie at least it's more affordable than the D&G candle, I guess.
For that price, it better knows how to fry eggs and walk the dog!

Recently in the soap forum, we discussed some soaps which my grandmother would’ve called “rather dear”. Attached please find link to a “rather dear” candle. Just for fun.

D&G candle
But, but... those candles are poured in person by those 2 Italian dudes, right? They're crafters, aren't they???
Thanks to an ad on insta, I fell down a Bloomingdale's rabbit hole, looking at their Wicked themed merch. Here's your new Elphaba inspired beanie, just in time for winter:

Bloomingdale's Beanie at least it's more affordable than the D&G candle, I guess.
My grandmother made me one something like that when I was 12 and I wouldn't have been caught dead wearing it. She was just ahead of her time, my Grandma.