My rashes and eczema journey

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Mar 28, 2023
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Largo, FL
I know I dropped off from this topic in favor of just soapy topics ~ but I had an interesting development recently.
All my life I never had reactions to food, or so I thought ~ except for when I asked my mom why I would get "snotty" (I was a kid) when I ate ice cream? Or feel like I was choking on my snot (again, I was a kid, sorry for that 😆) after drinking milk? She would say it was because it was cold and it was probably just making my nose runny like when it's cold outside (remember, she's trying to kid-splain to me so could understand). So I never questioned it after that. No rashes, no other problems, like breathing issues.
Fast forward to now and I come across the results from blood work from about 4 years ago in a patient portal that I had to renew to see a neurologist for my pain and when I scrolled down to the end it had "allergies" listed so now I'm interested 🤔 Come to find out, after showing my Dr those results, he said so you're allergic dairy, eggs, soy, shrimp and almonds? I said I don't know 🤷🏼‍♀️ but they are my favorite foods and I eat them on a regular (almost daily) basis and I haven't died!
So, my body has been fighting my mild allergies all my life ~ fighting the inflammation and other mild reactions until finally it started erupting in rashes. But I had no clue it was food related allergies because I never had insurance I could afford to use and I always made too much money to qualify for state or federal medical assistance.
The severe reactions I did have landed me in a clinic or an ER and I would get steroid shots, pills, creams and told to take ibuprofen and Tylenol ~ now the steroids have messed up my liver and my kidneys are in a "fragile" state.
So, yes I am now doing a food elimination diet 😭 (pray for me because this is still a new adjustment! And I miss my eggs and cheese/crackers and ice cream) and thanks to my dermatologist I did confirm my hands do actually have eczema and I had to get a Rx for them but now that it has cleared, I rarely have to use it.
It's been an interesting and frustrating journey ~ because I'm still dealing with pain issues. But now that the rashes are under control, all that remains are the scars (because I'm a chronic scratcher 🙄). I still prefer my soaps to store bought 🥰 Knowing what's in them makes all the difference! And I'm still learning what works best for me and my skin so it's always a journey! Especially now that I'm dealing with aging skin 👵🏼😆
Sorry to ramble on, but that's why I started a thread and didn't put this in the soapy things thread 😁 I know so many of you have helped me figure out these soapy things because it can be so frustrating and I really appreciate all the input and I still appreciate every little tidbit I learn! Thank you everyone!
Happy soaping 🫧🧼🫧🧼🫧
You definitely have my prayers, @Shelley D! My family has been on a similar journey for years. It is a relief to have confirmation that you aren't crazy. But the relief is somewhat short-lived because then there is a huge healing mountain to climb. For me at times, that mountain has included denial. It was so hard to accept that I really can't eat certain things if I want to be in optimum health. It helps to reframe it from "I can't eat these things" to "I choose not to eat these things because I want to feel better."

And not to be an Internet doctor, but I hope you don't mind a suggestion? If you haven't already checked out the MTHFR mutation, that's another good place to look for clues about your health. It is far more widespread than initially believed even 10 years ago. I did a relatively inexpensive 23&Me genetic test, and then paid a small fee to run the raw test results through a website that interpreted them. The information that provided me about what foods, supplements, and vitamins to avoid has been absolutely life-changing for me, and for other family members.

If you have already checked that out, please forgive my rambling on about it. I do pray for you to find all the information you need to start healing and feeling better very soon! 😘🤗
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You definitely have my prayers, @Shelley D! My family has been on a similar journey for years. It is a relief to have confirmation that you aren't crazy. But the relief is somewhat short-lived because then there is a huge healing mountain to climb. For me at times, that mountain has included denial. It was so hard to accept that I really can't eat certain things if I want to be in optimum health. It helps to reframe it from "I can't eat these things" to "I choose not to eat these things because I want to feel better."

And not to be an Internet doctor, but I hope you don't mind a suggestion? If you haven't already checked out the MTHFR mutation, that's another good place to look for clues about your health. It is far more widespread than initially believed even 10 years ago. I did a relatively inexpensive 23&Me genetic test, and then paid a small fee to run the raw test results through a website that interpreted them. The information that provided me about what foods, supplements, and vitamins to avoid has been absolutely life-changing for me, and for other family members.

If you have already checked that out, please forgive my rambling on about it. I do pray for you to find all the information you need to start healing and feeling better very soon! 😘🤗
Thank you ~ I haven't checked any new information yet. After the neurologist information comes in and gets processed, I intend to start processing the allergy information so we shall see where that leads!
Thanks for the suggestion!
Ironically, most of my sinus congestion has disappeared with the elimination diet 😳 part of me is like 🥳 and the other part is like 😒dang it, I bet it's the dairy ~ which will suck because I love pretty much the whole diary food group! 😂 Milk, real butter, cheeses, ice cream, sour cream, cream cheese ~ I mean come on, sausage and gravy! 🤤 Milk & cookies! And I do mean whole milk! I've been known to buy heavy cream and mix it into milk to give it some "body" because I miss "fresh from the cow" from my childhood 😭 And cheese and crackers is one of my favorite snacks along with a few bites of smoked meat or a hard boiled egg.
This is so hard! My Dr said I probably won't have to give them all up forever, just eat some in moderation but dairy will still be the hardest because I could eat something "dairy" 3 x's a day without even trying 🫤 I wonder how long the elimination will last? 🤔?🤔?🤔🥴
Same for me with dairy. After years of abstaining, I can get away with occasional bites of it now, but I instantly start clearing my throat, coughing and blowing my nose. If I have enough of it, a migraine will ensue. The weird thing is, I don't test as allergic to milk at all - but all the classic symptoms are there. 🤷‍♀️

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