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Well-Known Member
May 11, 2009
Reaction score
Frankston Melbourne Australia
Hey all i just made my first batch of soap and it was goats milk soap and was worried i didnt do it right but i just opened it and wow looks good i think i have pictures im going to show please tell me what you think? and does anyone know the best way to cut and do i wrap em now ? put em away for 4 weeks?

That is Nice Soap!

You would cut them first then let them cure on a rack. After they are cured you could wrap them.

Some use Dental floss to cut the bars, some use a thin knife, I have used a tool that is used for drywall called a cutting knife ( i think)

Hope this helps,

Val said:
That is Nice Soap!

You would cut them first then let them cure on a rack. After they are cured you could wrap them.

Some use Dental floss to cut the bars, some use a thin knife, I have used a tool that is used for drywall called a cutting knife ( i think)

Hope this helps,

Thanks how long do they need to cure on a rack for ?
I would say minimum 4 weeks. Longer makes a harder bar. I think it is different for each type you make but I cant really say for certain since I am new to this myself.

I also understand that shrink wrapping is not good for CP soaps as the bars need to breathe and they continue to shrink some as time goes by.

Val said:
I would say minimum 4 weeks. Longer makes a harder bar. I think it is different for each type you make but I cant really say for certain since I am new to this myself.

I also understand that shrink wrapping is not good for CP soaps as the bars need to breathe and they continue to shrink some as time goes by.

thanks heaps now i gota find somewhere to put em with out the kids getting to em :roll: thanks heaps for ur help :D
I have heard some put them on the top of the cabinets in the kitchen :)

But if you have climbers that may not work. :roll:

Looks great - did you use the milk as the liquid for the lye or did you add it after? I've seen both in recipes and I'm not sure what's best. I'm really new to this and haven't tried making any soap yet...:)
Candyrage said:
Looks great - did you use the milk as the liquid for the lye or did you add it after? I've seen both in recipes and I'm not sure what's best. I'm really new to this and haven't tried making any soap yet...:)
I used the milk frozen mashed it up and added the lye to it realy slowly:)
Here the soap is cut up
hope this is how you are ment to do it? :?
