Thank you everyone for sitting through, hand holding and talking me calm. I got soap - I even (even though I know you're not supposed to do this) - took a sliver and washed with it - AND IT IS SOAPY, Bubbly and creamy, and it smells just like Licorice (the FO Jasmine has disappeared). I forgot to line the mould, so I kind of had to scrape it out of the mould, but it doesnt look terrible and I can slice off the ungainly bits - but I kind of liked the rough hewn look of it though, the soap itself looks like slices of marble. Going to try and post pics below this - hope it shows up
Thank you all again, you all have been really kind
This is when it had gone through the gel phase - it looked pretty cool in there and I was hoping that it would do the gloppy blob thing on the inside as well, but oh well.....
This is what it looked like after I scraped it out of the mould, (broke the mould in the process - there were a lot of things that went awry with this particular experiment - fires, seizures and broken moulds - but I am still quite hooked!

Thank you all again, you all have been really kind

This is when it had gone through the gel phase - it looked pretty cool in there and I was hoping that it would do the gloppy blob thing on the inside as well, but oh well.....

This is what it looked like after I scraped it out of the mould, (broke the mould in the process - there were a lot of things that went awry with this particular experiment - fires, seizures and broken moulds - but I am still quite hooked!