Gotcha, thanks for adding the recipe pic.
Honestly, that's a little high on cleansing for me; I typically keep my cleansing number at 12 or below to avoid drying out my skin. If your skin is oilier, your recipe is probably fine. Otherwise, I'd reduce to CO to 18% to 20%, and make up the difference with your regular OO (or the pomace if you have more of it). Then use 1 Tbsp of sugar PPO to replace the bubbles you lost from lowering the CO; it won't change the calculator number for bubbles, but the bubbles will happen.
That's also a whole lot of water unless you are planning to hot process this soap. If you are doing CP, with that much water, your soap is likely to be soft, and to take a long time to set up. It might also warp while curing.
Instead of using "Water as percent of oil weight," select "
Lye Concentration" (a few boxes below that) and change it to 33%. That is a good average number for a CP soap recipe like this. Besides hand-stirring, you can hopefully slow things down by soaping at room temp, too.
Good luck, and show us the pics when you are all done. Please