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dagmar88 said:
The coloring in red M&M's, carmine, is made from lice. Search for dactylopius coccus costa if you want to know more. :lol: glad I don't like em anyway!

http://www.ask.com/bar?q=dactylopius+co ... FCochineal
insect yes - but they live in cacti, so while perhaps related to lice I myself would not categorize them as quite the same.

and the package in my hand has Red lake 40, but no carmine (there are allergy and kosher issues with carmine so it's not used as often as it used to be - my degree in Food Science finally comes in handy!!)

ETA: ingredients can vary by country
Meh...I like the taste of red M&Ms, so I will still eat them.

Uh hum....does that make red m&ms ALL NATURAL??? :lol: :lol:
OK, EEEEEEW about the lice!! I'm gonna pretend I didn't see the post saying that the red m&m's don't seem to have carmime anymore... because the whole lice thing will keep me away... maybe they DO have it and don't list it, like how Splenda actually has sugar in it (there's some loophole and they don't have to say it on the packaging... or so I've read).

Here's an article

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Well, can't say for sure because I cant find out what Red lake 40 is made of; but it is a liquid dye. And I've read carmine is turned into a liquid dye...