Game of thrones! Back at last

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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2014
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Darlington, UK
Anymore GOT fans out there? Super excited for season 6 even if it appears my favourite character has been bumped off!

Started watching it last night but fell asleep as it was late - trying again now.
Love Game of Thrones! Been a fan right from the first episode where **Spoiler Alert** a kid was pushed out a window (the shock of 'did they just kill a child'?!), I knew it was going to be more than your average fantasy series. Now that the television series has caught up with the books I hope that the writers can continue putting out some fabulous scripts - whether they follow the books that have yet to be published or strike out on their own. Fun fact: other than those who are involved with the show, only one other person has seen Season 6 in its entirety - the president!
Yeah I heard that about Obama, also read about the journalist that requested the files under a freedom of information request!!

Yep, that was pretty much when it dawned on me it was going to be very different. That and ***spoiler*** killing off who I thought was going to be pretty much the main character in the first season!!
I'm hoping that because the Red Witch is at Castle Black, that she'll be working some magic on that one character that all of us don't want to be dead!!! Oooooo.....last season when she looked at him and said, "You know nothing, J.S." Gave me the heebie jeebies.

And if any of you remember, sometime last season, Cersei went to the meister's quarters, and he had a body under a blanket, and after she left, the body quivered, and the meister said, "Quiet my friend." I think he's working on bringing whoever that is back from the dead, so if he's perfected the technique, maybe he'll bring J.S. back. Somebody has to!!!!!!!
Ooh, I haven't seen it yet, we've just been so busy. Tomorrow is the night And I can't wait! Was it good and worth the wait?
I loved that episode... it looks like it will be a game for the queens now! I think I'm the only one on the planet that's really happy about "that one" not being with us. He just annoyed me.
Even though the series occasionally strays from the books, it's odd not knowing what's going to happen. I was hoping he wan't really dead and thought he had a greater role to play. The Red Woman scares the dickens out of me. I hope she doesn't go all "Pet Cemetery" on him. Can't wait for next episode.
Love GOT. I do remember reading somewhere that the producers of the series had George RR Martin give them plot outlines through the end of the book series. That doesn't mean Martin might not have changed things up while writing. Who knows if he'll ever finish the last two books. It is different now, watching without having read a book first.

I have had a theory about 'that one' for some time now.
Love GOT. I do remember reading somewhere that the producers of the series had George RR Martin give them plot outlines through the end of the book series. That doesn't mean Martin might not have changed things up while writing. Who knows if he'll ever finish the last two books. It is different now, watching without having read a book first.

I have had a theory about 'that one' for some time now.

Does your theory involve a different father? I think so too!

My other theory... Varys is a Targaryen. My husband thinks I'm insane though.

Spoiler Disclaimer: I read some of the books but pretty much forgot everything in them.
Does your theory involve a different father? I think so too!

My other theory... Varys is a Targaryen. My husband thinks I'm insane though.

Spoiler Disclaimer: I read some of the books but pretty much forgot everything in them.

Yes it does! I hadn't considered Varys as a Targaryen though - interesting...
Does your theory involve a different father? I think so too!

My other theory... Varys is a Targaryen. My husband thinks I'm insane though.

Spoiler Disclaimer: I read some of the books but pretty much forgot everything in them.

Oh man snappy & dibbles, I'm dying to know who you think 'that one's' father is! I've had suspicions of my own since season 1. Would it be spoilery to mention initials?
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Oh, I hope she does go all pet cemetery on him. And while she's at it, she can bring back Ygritte too! And all the rest. OK, guilty...I just want a happy ending for everybody! Well, definitely not Joffrey, he can stay dead!!! And they can finish off Ramsay, sooner rather than later, please. So I guess not everyone. But I'd like the Hound back, I loved the Hound. And Khal Drogo. Eddard Stark. Oberyn Martell. I think they should just let me call the shots from now on, wouldn't that be best for everyone? :D
I've never seen this show.Now that I can't walk for another 2 1/2 months I have plenty of time for TV watching. Is it on Netflix? Friends are caring for me during this re-hab and I don't have a tv in my room, but I do have my laptop and Netflix.
The past few days I've been able to make it to the family room to watch some episodes of a series called "Outlander" which is good; but the rest of the time I'm in my room where I'm more comfortable. Hopping on one foot while pushing and lifting a walker for over 50 feet, one way, is too strenuous on this old body right now and one trip a day to the family room is all I can deal with at the moment. So I'm looking for another equally entertaining series I can watch in my room during the rest of the day.
Not on Netflix. You can get it on Amazon Prime, though. And HBO has it available on HBO Now. I am strongly thinking of getting HBO now so I don't have to wait for the video.
I've never seen this show.Now that I can't walk for another 2 1/2 months I have plenty of time for TV watching. Is it on Netflix? Friends are caring for me during this re-hab and I don't have a tv in my room, but I do have my laptop and Netflix.
The past few days I've been able to make it to the family room to watch some episodes of a series called "Outlander" which is good; but the rest of the time I'm in my room where I'm more comfortable. Hopping on one foot while pushing and lifting a walker for over 50 feet, one way, is too strenuous on this old body right now and one trip a day to the family room is all I can deal with at the moment. So I'm looking for another equally entertaining series I can watch in my room during the rest of the day.

I looked on Amazon, they are behind one season or so, and you have to buy the episodes, which could really be expensive. If you know anybody who has HBO, maybe you could "borrow" their HBO GO. I am fond of both the books and the series, although as a warning, the sex and violence are pretty graphic, although they are integral to the story
Another soap maker that I know (a friendly competitor who I don't think is on this forum?) does a series of Game of Thrones soaps.

Here's the link:

I just want to reiterate that these are not my soaps. I do know the maker though, and she's makes a really nice bar of soap. I thought this idea was really imaginative!
All this time I've had a working theory on who "that one"'s mother is and never considered a different father. Interesting bit to ponder on now. Dear, close friend could talk you in to that scenario if your a loyal sort. (Gears turning over little bits of grey matter.)

Joffrey's death was satisfying (unlike most of the other thousand deaths of characters I enjoyed) and now awaiting Ramsay's fate. Tyrion is one of my favorites and I dread each scene as I'm now convinced if I grow to like a character they are going to die - horribly. I'd like to think he and the spider have an important role to play though.

Sorry about the injury, JuneP. Hope you make a speedy recovery. HBO-Go is how I watch it. Hopefully catching up on the seasons will help you pass the time.